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Can 645 with MP1 be effectively mounted onto the tripod


Well-Known Member
I have recently purchased the C645 and am eager to test it out vigorously on the field. However, I am very concerned about the battery consumption and have plans to get the battery holder MP-1. However, when I checked with both Really Right Stuff and Kirk Photo, I found neither of them carrys a camera plate that fits the 645 attached to the MP-1.

Since the camera itself with the lens mounted is already quite heavy, I would be concerned how safe it would be if I can't find a custom made QR plate for the 645/MP-1 combo. Has anybody used one, or could I just order the one for the 645 alone which would also work with the MP-1? If nothing's available I may have to turn to my last resort which is to get the power pack instead of the battery holder. Also is there a L-bracket around that fits this camera? I have been spoiled with L-brackets with my 135 cameras. Thanks for your help.
Hi Ken, I have the MP-1 grip on my 645 and there is no problem putting the Kirk plate on this combination. The Kirk plate has two projecting wings with lugs which fit into the matching holes either side of the tripod socket - these are on both the body (for purposes of mounting the grip) and on the grip itself. Leastways they are on mine! ;-)

Presumably the RRS plate is similar. I haven't seen it though.

Michael Reichmann of Luminous Landscape fame, also has a plate (Kirk or RRS) mounted on his 645/MP-1 combo. Hope this helps.


I have been shooting with my 645 for about a year now. In the beginning battery consumption was horrible. I also did a lot of long exposures with mirror lock up. When I did this I only got 3 or 4 rolls before having to change the battery. Oddly enough, after some time battery consumption got much better. Other than when doing low light long exposures I find consumption to not be a problem. I even stopped counting the number of rolls between changes! I understand this is true with the newer 645s so try it in the field for a while and you may find you don't need the MP-1.

My C645 is about 1 year old now and I never have any battery consumption problem. I mainly use manual focus mode "M" and push the focus button for AF if necessary. It really saves a lot of juice as it take a lot of power to move the Carl Zeiss glass. After all, it is a highly electronic camera, one would expect it consumes certain amount of battery. It is not really a battery consumption problem if you compare it to any electronic gear.

I got the MP-1 and never used it much. It just too heavy and the vertical grip is a joke. I only use the MP-1 as a spacer for my Polaroid back on tripod. It secures very well on tripod without any custom plate. It also depends on what kind of tripod head you use.

"Custom Bracket" make medium format (as well as 35mm) rotate-able (L-Bracket) with C645 plate. They have one version for tripod and the other version for the hand-held frame.

As a final note. I do carry extract 2CR5 batteries with me all the time. It is lighter than the loaded MP-1. You can get cheaper 2CR5 online.
I must be one of the few people who actually likes the MP-1, and I'm no fan of overpriced accessories. It must be my digital experience with rechargeable NiMHs, but I just really like not having to spend extra on batteries. My C645 is not a battery hog (relatively speaking), but extra batteries are extra batteries. Also, the camera does have a very sturdy feel in my hand with the grip...it's nowhere near as clumsy as people claim it is.

I did remove the MP-1 today and boy, the camera does feel a lot nicer and lighter, at least with the normal lens. But the reality is that I simply don't use the C645 as a walkaround camera...it's generally not far from a tripod, and even when I'm handholding it (for fashion and personal work), I'm moving around in a relatively restricted area, and the extra weight stabilizes the camera for me for handheld shots.

For weddings, I would agree that the weight of the camera plus grip, especially on a weighty L-bracket, would be a bit much to cover a lot of territory with. Though here's an unintended discovery...the C645 will actually mount on a Custom Bracket for 35mm cameras with the grip...without the grip, it won't go on. Of course, using the C645, MP-1, and Q-Flash with battery on an elaborate bracket is not exactly the most enjoyable thing to use, but I have done it for small events.
Albert, have you the contact details for "Custom Bracket"? I've been trying to track down an L bracket for a Contax 645 for some time, but without any luck.
Ken, another option you might want to think about is the P-8 power pack. It takes four AA cells (I use rechargeables) and has a one meter cable from the pocket sized pack to the camera. I believe Contax has recently made a slightly larger version taking C or D cells.

I really struggle with the Contax 645 on a tripod in the vertical position, and the MP-1 exacerbates the problem. I use Arca Swiss style heads and the only one it's satisfactory with is a massive head on a studio tripod with a separate leveling plate.

In the field, without the benefit of the leveling plate, I usually shorten the leg that's in line with the flip over slot in the ball head. This allows accurate vertical positioning, but the leg then needs to be extended again for horizontal shots, or the ball head panned around 180 degrees.

An Arca Swiss L Bracket would be my dream Christmas present!