> Posted by Will Taylor on Monday, May 12, 2003 - 11:55 pm: > > >Hey Austin, I've got a friend in Houston and another in NYC who've > just gotten the cameras and been doing some testing with them. They > also referred me to the following url which also shows images and > tests proclaiming the Foveon's superior resolution... >
http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sigmasd9/ Granted my "blown away" > statement is a bit much, but still it's pretty impressive for a little > 3MP chip... > > Re:> Where are you "hearing" this? Specifically. Do you have a URL or > a > magazine reference? > > I've done a bit of evaluating of the 3M > Foveon sensor, and no, it does > not "blow away" any of the 6M SLR > cameras in terms of resolution...so > I can't imagine where you get > this from. > > Austin
I've read the DPReview stuff. What, exactly, there are you referring to?
Keep one thing in mind when looking at digital images. Sharpness can be attained by processing any image, and sharpness doesn't mean reality either. We don't know what processing the SD9 is doing, so it's quite hard to tell really make a claim of anything without actually knowing what processing (sharpening or whatever) was done with what images (both in-camera and out of camera, and don't be fooled into believing raw images aren't processed, they very may well be). There are aftermarket Bayer pattern processing programs that do a better job than the in-camera processing.
What you are comparing is the results from the camera, not from the sensors, so making any claims based on the sensors is erroneous, at best.
In looking at the resolution chart tests, I'm not seeing it "blow" the D-60 away at all. Can you point me to the two images that show it even to be better? In fact, I find the D60 image:
to show the D60 has better resolution than the SD9:
http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/orig.asp?/reviews/s&les/rescharts/sigma_sd 9.jpg
Keep in mind, that lenses are important as well...and though I'm sure they mention it somewhere, I didn't see what lense they used for the D-60.
The Foveon sensor suffers from some serious artifacting anyway, which, for the most part, render it useless in low light, and bright light situations, as well has horrid color fidelity.