DPR Forum

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End of the Line for TVS


Well-Known Member
<font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"><font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">It is with deep regret that I have been informed by Kyocera on 22/12/04 of the following departures from the Contax line up:

RX2 body
Aria/D body
T3 black
Distagon 35mm/F2.8MM
Distagon 35mm/F1.4(J)MM
Distagon 25mm/F2.8(J)MM
Makro-Planar 60mm/F2.8(C)MM
F-Distagon 16mm/F2.8AE


More news will be posted as soon as I can get a statement.

One pair of gloomy Kyocera/Contax Kids.

Bob and Paul