DPR Forum

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Refresh (reload) page

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Well-Known Member
I am using Firefox. When I click on the icon to reload page, it reloads without being updated. To load updated page, I have to click on the page name (i.e New posts etc.) On other sites when I click on this button page is being updated.
I am not exactly sure whether I understand your question.

If you want to have the newest list of new postings, you have to use the button for this in the forum softare. This is because it makes then a search in the database for every subforum available.

Different scenario: If you are on a normal page with a thread with i.e. only 3 postings and a fourth posting is written 10 seconds later, then the "reload" button of your browser is enough to view this newest (4th) posting, because that is not a search through the database.
I am not exactly sure whether I understand your question.

If you want to have the newest list of new postings, you have to use the button for this in the forum softare. This is because it makes then a search in the database for every subforum available.

Different scenario: If you are on a normal page with a thread with i.e. only 3 postings and a fourth posting is written 10 seconds later, then the "reload" button of your browser is enough to view this newest (4th) posting, because that is not a search through the database.
Again, other sites can do that. OK we have to live with what we have.
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