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Which scanner do you use Photokina news



Anyone scan negatives or slides? Please point me to some reading materials. I'm looking for a film scanner. I already have a flatbed scanner that can scan photos, but would like to explore getting a film scanner. I've read about the Canon Canoscan FS4000, also read about a comparable Minolta scanner. Nikons are too expensive for me (about US 1500).

Any tips, welcome.

Hi Steve,

I will put quickly some links for you in this Forum in The folder "digital Corner". I collected these links over the past twelve months. They are helping in different aspects of digital photography.

If you find in the future more interesting links regarding this subject, feel free to e-mail me, I will put them then also on this forum.

Hi Dirk,

Thanks for a great site.

I mention these links in my post in the Nikon scanner thread, but you might add these links to your digital list:


This site belongs to Tony Sleep, a photographer in England. He's got very professionally-done reviews of almost every film scanner on the market. Because of the way his site is constructed with frames, I can't give a URL that links directly to his film scanner pages, so you'll need to navigate to them. This is a terrific resource for anyone shopping for a film scanner.

I also want to recommend VueScan software. It will work with most film and flatbed scanners. Steve, in your case, you might be able to use this program for both scanners.


This is a great replacement for the software that comes with many scanners; it may have more features than the original software had. It works with both Mac and PC.

Also, here is a little page I wrote for a watch-collector's site, with some simple Photoshop tips for preparing digital images on the web. This might be helpful for people posting their photos:


Take care,

- Paul

I personally like the Polaroid scanners much more than the Nikon models - seem my comments on the Nikon thread in this same section. My Polaroid scanner seems to work well with images from Contax cameras

- Paul
Going thru mid-life, I guess, getting my photo interest back up again. I am on the verge of buying a Contax T3. I already have Nikon F-F3T. Laying back for a few years toying w/ Olympus Stylus and now Nikon 880 digital. I have not bee satisfied w/ results from Digital. I want to start scanning my new T3 pics down the line. I am not mak9ing $$ on my pics, so business investment is not my motive, but having been there and not satisfied w/ consumer market junk, what decent quality and modest priced scanners are available? I also want to catalog my last thirty years of negatives some day into digital. What is the minimum DPI for a scanner for us enthusiasts? I read a lot, but don't know the modern tech specs, for this stuff.
Hi future scanners,
I have been using a Microtek Atrixscan 4000 for the last 2 years. It cost me £1000. now you can buy them for £600 or less. It will scan a 35mm neg/ tran to A3 with spectacular results. You should get Silverfast software by Lasersoft. (my personal choice but there are others.)
Photoshop 5+ and Adobe photoshop for photographers by Martin Evening.
Stay up till 5 am every night for 2 weeks and be amazed at what you can do. Photoshop is a lifetimes learning you will never know it all. Hats off to Adobe.
Archival papers and inks are available-Lyson-Permajet----etc;
I have not used my enlarger for a long time but I won't sell it cause one day I might !!!!!
I came accross this article in pop photo today. They compare 7 scanners. The tested Scanners are:

Epson Expression 1680,
Kodak Prifessional RFS 3600,
Nikon Coolscan IV ED,
Nikon Coolscan 4000 ED
Polaroid Sprint Scan 120,
Minolta Dimage Scan Multi II F-310,
Microtek Artixscan 4000T.

This is the link to the article:


Please look also at my link recommendations in this digital corner Section in the forum (not on the general Link page).

These are links for digital Q&A only and very helpful !


Concerning scanning and slide film, I've had excellent results with the Microtek 4000T scanner and a variety of films (Velvia and E200 being my favorites). Most slides need little or no color correction. I'd strongly recommend the Silverfast scanning software (www.silverfast.com), which is far better than most manufacturer's software, in my limited experience.

On the other hand, since recent versions of Silverfast do a good job with negatives (which was not true a few years ago), I'm finding myself using negative film much more, for the latitude, wider dynamic range, and higher speed.

Film is a long way from dead, at least in my opinion.

Hope this is useful.
Since this topic comes up more and more in different non-digital threads in this forum, I want to start here a new digital thread.

As you know, we have already some threads about certain scanners in the "digital corner" of this forum, i.e. Nikon Supercoolscan 4000 etc.

But there seem to be many smaller and cheaper scanners in use, which also do their job, depending on what you are looking for.

I am sure, at the photokina next week there will be some new interesting models presented. As a consequence I would like to highlight this section of Contaxinfo.com for you with this new thread.

But please bear in mind that there are already some threads for specific scanners opened in the topic "digital corner" and therefore post your experience in the appropriate threads so others can find it easier. At the end of then day we want to help people in their buying decision and not confuse them

