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Endeavour railcars


Well-Known Member
Endeavour railcars are two-car diesel motored passenger trains used in regional areas in New South Wales. They were introduced in 1994 and are nearing their end of life so I have been chasing them around the past few years.

In this scene, Endeavour set 2805/2855 make their run across the valley over the Crooked River on approach to the seaside town of Gerringong. It was raining and very cold when I took this shot!

Crossing the Crooked River by Peter Watters, on Flickr
This is an older photo of the same type of railcar sitting at the platform awaiting departure. The township of Kiama is where the electric overhead wires finish so trains from Sydney terminate there and passengers switch over to the diesel railcar for the final 34km of track to the end of the line at the Shoalhaven River.

Ready to go to the end of the line by Peter Watters, on Flickr