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In depth differences of the 60 mm makro planars



Hi all,

Can anyone with experience on the 3 different 60mm makro planars explain the pros and cons of each. I'm particularly interested to know the main difference between the 2 mm lenses and how the compact compares. I'm more interested in quality and end results rather size.

Optically identical. The compact version, only goes to 1:2, wheras the other goes to life size. I have the original S-Planar, easily one of the finaest lenses I've ever used for 35mm photography
If you are intersted in technical details about these lenses, you can also have a look at the MTF charts and lens overvies of the scanned brochures of the 80ies and 90ies in the download-section on the left side

How about from a cost perspective? Does the compact 60 mm cost more or less than the regular 60mm?

If I can find both at the same price, which one should I get?
Hi all!
Can anyone tell me how many aperture blades the Macro-Planar C has? Six or eight?
Thanks, Csaba