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SD15, water marks, spots on image


Hi, I am looking for advice. I recent purchased an SD15 with the 17mm to 70mm macro. This was on the back of very positive experiences with DP1s and which I still own.

I am delighted with the SD15 and the lens but when reviewing some photos in lightroom 4 I noticed a small almost circular spot on the image against a bright blue sky. I would describe it as like a water mark slightly darker that the surrounding sky and semi transparent.

I checked my lens and filter, I also removed the lens and checked for obvious signs of dirt, but I have not seen any. I have used the heal brush and this removes it, but I would welcome any suggestions as to causes and solutions.

Kind regards
Hi George.
The problem you describe is typical of digital cameras and is caused by dust particles deposited on the sensor surface.
Following the instruction manual, you can remove the SD15 IR filter then you can use many commercial products suitable for cleaning the sensor.
Many thanks for the information. I have checked out my manual and have read a number of comments on the web. There seems to be a mixed view on the use of blowers with some users reporting good effects and others not.

I think I am inclined to send it back to Sigma at some point. I only have one moderate spot and a couple of very faint ones and these seem easy to deal with in light room for now. I expect I may get more but perhaps not.

My disapointment is I bought the camera new only three weeks ago. However it has not put a cloud over the SD15, I love using it and it is really rewarding in terms of the results.

Best wishes
Hi George.
Despite the closure with the IR filter the SD15 is not a sealed camera, you can send it back to clean the sensor but sooner or later the problem will recur.
My advice is to learn to do it yourself because it is a common inconvenience of digital SLR.

The blowers almost never solve the problem, there may be dust particles resistant to the air jet.
There are brushes, but better still to use a sticking bar like that: "Eyelead sensor cleaning kit".

Greetings from Italy.

"Dust-Aid Platinum" is another product that uses the same principle.
However there may be dust particles welded to the sensor that only a wet brush can remove.