DPR Forum

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DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!



Well-Known Member
So I’ve upgraded my K-3iii firmware to ver 2.01.
Naturally this will make me a better photographer :)
All I need from Pentax now is some good DA wildlife lenses. The much talked about HD DA 55-550mm f/4-6.3 SDM AW would do nicely thanks
My best friend Dakota, claiming her territory and anxiously awaiting Pentax next news release....
Dakota thanks you all for the likes and wonders if there might be a Dog Treat in there somewhere for her.
She complains they are coming slower than the Pentax releases. (She's wrong, but a stubborn thinker). RBIV