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Very rare Panflex (Contax Visoflex) on eBay


Well-Known Member
There is a very rare Contax Panflex for sale on eBay at the moment. This is the Contax version of Leica's Visoflex. This is the first one I have seen for many years. If I had not a Leica M Typ 240 on order at the moment and having to be paid for/saved for by February, I would buy this to use on my IIA Colour Dial. I also have a large drawer full of Visoflex equipment and Leica V lenses (65 to 800mm) but no Panflex lenses, so it would be very much an impulse purchase. It may be of interest to other Contax RF users/enthusiasts. Here is the link if anyone is interested. It seems to be a proper trade seller, with whom I have no connection. http://tinyurl.com/cyzd8zn
