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XP SP3-Problems reported!!!

Guest .

Hi All,

I just read in the internet, that SPP 2.3/2.5 do have problems as soon as the WINDOWS XP-Service-Pack-3 becomes installed. There are certain error-indications when running the software.
So, until these problems will be fixed, better do not update your WINDOWS XP!

See you with nice pictures

Hi, Klaus!

I have not been here for a long, long time but I was notified by email today about upgrades etc and resolved to have a look.

On my return I noticed your post and that brought back memories about my windozzzzz nightmares, which incidentally ended nearly 6 years ago, when crossed over to the "bright side" and bought my first Apple Mac workstation. I have not looked back!

And now that Windows can be operated on Intel based macs, there's no excuse at all for staying on the "dark side". :)

Sincerely, Jim Roelofs
Hello Jim,

basically you are right ... (on your sunny side of PC ....;)) although the windows world has improved a bit.

What I absolutely do not accept is the fact, that Microsoft does not care a single bit about third party software when changing their system or (even worse) just release an update to an existing one.:(

Well, a MAC would be a fine thing to have ... I often thought about a changeover ... but it would mean a complete software change as well ... which makes it even more expensive! :(

See you with nice pictures

Ah, but Klaus, with an Intel based Mac, you can simultaneously run XP and System 10, side by side, swapping files between the two at will, have the best of both worlds. It even works on my little MacBook. And get this, XP runs without any speed sacrifice. BEAUTIFUL!

Secondly, I believe the reason MS has so much trouble with 3rd party vendors is because their control of standards is not as strict as Apple's. The analogy is that when someone approaches MS to build a new app they are pretty well allowed to do as they please, whereas when someone approaches Apple, they are given a very stringent set of standards that must be adhered to and tested by Apple before final approval (permission to use Apple logo on packaging) is finalized.

Sincerely, Jim Roelofs
Hello Jim,
I absolutely agree on your findings.:rolleyes:

As soon as I have to go for my next computer, I will get myself informed about a Mac.

Fortunately, my brother-in-law is a MAC-fan. I would certainly contact him then.

See you with nice pictures

Hi @ all,

the discussion here is some kind of funny, looks like Canon vs. Sigma ;).

As long as Your needs are linked to media (DTP, movies etc.) the Macs might be of some advantage for private and medium applications, but as soon as we deal with large scale media networks things look different.

Considered the amount of money one has to invest in an Apple workstation You get the same or even better hardware on the PC side.

Apple Macs have a somewhat limited amount of applications and free software. For a PC running MS-Windows there is an allmost endless line of free- and shareware applications and even most standard applications are availlable for small money.

The advantage of the Mac is no longer as it was some years ago, but since then things have changed a lot.

So if one has to make a decision, he should look carefully at his needs and compare the positive and the negative sides of the two systems and find out wether a Mac or a PC is more suited to his ideas of what he wants to do with his machine.

Sometime a Mac might be ideal for what one wants to do sometimes a good PC system is more versatile.

Best regards,
