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Your Thoughts!

LeicaEye (2)

Well-Known Member
  • 60.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • -0.6
  • ISO 400
I really like how the brightness and the colors of the flower stand out. The background seems a bit busy and distracting. I'm not a fan of how the color of the background wall interacts with the other colors.
I like the idea. The background is ok... not bothersome to me. But the flower is not sharp. It's making me dizzy! Was the wind blowing? I would stop-down and increase the shutter speed. Or maybe the focus point was on the green stem in the foreground? Is this a trick question? You know what to do! LOL. :)
I like the idea. The background is ok... not bothersome to me. But the flower is not sharp. It's making me dizzy! Was the wind blowing? I would stop-down and increase the shutter speed. Or maybe the focus point was on the green stem in the foreground? Is this a trick question? You know what to do! LOL. :)
I thought the flower itself was in focus, I took the image purely for the Critique section. It’s not quite how I would normally photograph the flower/image. I took an image today of the same flower but in a different location.. I will Post soon.. Regards..
2nd Try..
  • 34.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/5000 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 200

  • 34.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/800 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 200
Last edited:
I like this much better. However, the bright grass in the lower right hand corner is distracting. It's too bright and it competes with the flower. You might consider changing the composition a bit by placing the flower closer to the bottom right corner. It will make it seem as though the grass explodes behind the flower, thereby making the image much more dynamic.
I like this much better. However, the bright grass in the lower right hand corner is distracting. It's too bright and it competes with the flower. You might consider changing the composition a bit by placing the flower closer to the bottom right corner. It will make it seem as though the grass explodes behind the flower, thereby making the image much more dynamic.
I understand your point. Regards