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Posted by Seth Hosler (Honenshonin) on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 4:52 am:


HA! 'Tis true, I am but a layman.

[Yes, but even in layman's terms, using a non-photographic dictionary, "perspective" is point of view, the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer. Even without a camera!!! That is important!]

No technician, and certainly no wordsmith. I dare say I do not even really understand what photographers mean by "contrast", as the meaning is indeed a bit different from that intended by mere mortals.

[Contrast: noun: the act of distinguishing by comparing differences; the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors; the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared (Ex&le: "In contrast to ..."); a conceptual separation or demarcation; to show differences when compared; be different; verb: put in contrast. In visual perception of real life, printed paper, a computer display, etc. contrast between different parts of an image, especially between objects (including characters) and the background enables one to see objects, read text, etc. From http://onelook.com/ ... so "contrast" is merely the clear differentiation between two discernable items in an image, usually light to dark, or the sharpness of an edge of an object in the image.]

I saw your comments on the Minolta 507 and the Minolta flash system on another forum. Very interesting. Since the camera manual and flash manual are next to useless, can you recommend a thorough and comprehensible resource that explains the wireless flash system and how it can be used on the 507 and the 7?

[...like the owner's manual for a screw driver will not tell you how to open a can of paint, for which almost all of is must have used a screw driver at one time or another!]

As for posting pictures, I need to learn how to make a web page, or at the very least find a place where I can post things. Being a dedicated technophobe, I need to find the simplest possible solution. Any advice?

Thank you for putting things in "perspective" for me.



Hi Seth,

Let's be accurate here - "Minolta 507si" - as merely "507" without the "si" could mean an older, manual focus Minolta model.

minoltainfo.com promises an image forum and has some lovely Minolta Photography there, though there are many other forums where you can actually share images in emails (Yahoo! Groups and Smartgroups come to mind, and I'm exploring Topica) -- these are PHOTOGRAPHY discussions after all, no? So where are the images? I think minoltainfo.com expects us to attach images to emails and they will land in one of the forums ... I don't know from experience, but I see [IMAGE] in emails which makes me think someone sent an image somewhere, even though I can't see it!!!

Here's my own image as a test:



Does anyone know where they can see it now that I have sent it? And how is it labeled?

So, Seth, do you currently have images in digital form? How'd you get them scanned? From film or prints?

The modern Minolta flash is stooopidly simple. The only complexity is where I want to place my flash. Everything else is automatic.

For on-camera, it's stuck there. For off camera, I try to imitate the sun, and put the flash above and to the left of the camera.

Then I decide how much more or less I want the flash to be the primary source of light - "normal" for primary source, or "-1" or "-2" compensation or even SLOW SYNC for the flash as the secondary source of light after the existing subject lighting -- or a combination of compensation and slow sync, and even "ratio" if I use more than one flash.

Gary Walts has a nice dedicated modern Minolta Flash page, but everyone has different subjects and different lighting needs, so you're gonna have to explore, trial and error method! You may have to adapt and adopt Gary's advice to your own needs.


Tell us more - what is your current challenge facing you concerning flash?


Love and hugs,

Peter Blaise Monahon Minolta Photographer peterblaise@yahoo.com http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/