DPR Forum

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DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
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After a long absence . . .


Well-Known Member
Hi to Dirk and all community members.

Lots of water has passed under the bridge since I last posted here. I'm just trying to touch base and maybe become a regular contributor again.

I used to be an avid Foveon user, using Sigma dSLRs exclusively. That was before I had my total deafness cured by the installation of 2 Cochlear implants. The result has restored my ability to hear again and in particular birdsong. These technical marvels reproduce the song of these feathered creatures in the most beautiful manner.

This led me to discover that my Sigma cameras were unsuitable for bird photography. So here I am now as a Canon EOS 6D user. A costly transition for a retired pensioner, as new lenses were also required for the new mount. But now, with the new camera and new Sigma lenses, life's good!

Here's an attached sample of my current work. The bird is a female Bower Bird and was photographed near my home in south east Australia

Sincerest regards, Jim Roelofs

Hi Jim,

I am sorry to hear that you went to such a hard time. It is impressive how modern technology can help us in areas, nobody would have believed 20 years ago.
It is great to hear from you again. :z04_whip2_1:

Hope to read from you here more often!