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Any contax users in the noth west of england



Any contax users in the noth west of england?

anybody willing to talk and possibly help purchase a new contax setup?
> Any contax users in the noth west of england? > anybody willing to talk and possibly help purchase a new contax setup?

Well I'm about 10000kms away from the UK , but we can all provide help in the form of information and experience in helping you get fixed up with a Contax system . After all , thats one of the purposes of these lists!! Let us know what sort of photography you do and what sort of features you're after etc etc and I/we can point you in the right direction...... Steve
Hi Adam, Im from NW England currently living in Bolton. Not sure how I can help you but you are welcome to e mail me at m.wallen@btinternet.com I have recently purchased a G2 having used a T2 for many years. MartWallen
I think i should have mentioned that ime only a student and was thinking of getting the 645 if i can get a big enough student loan.

ime not sure though as ive never actualy used it before only handled it once in a shop and I would really like to see some ex&les of real life prints and slides. if you know what I mean.
Hi Adam Stephen and Martin,
Great Idea im in the Noerh East but an very interested in this group, as I live in Leeds.
Lets hope we can make it grow.
Bye the way I see that Contax U.K. have put a Focus page on the website have you all seen it as I think most of us will visit Focus this month.
Do you think this would be a good idea to mention

yhea ime going to try to go down to foucus it might be on a teuesday though.

btw whats the contax uk website url?
Adam, Might see you at Focus if I make it.
Have just been on the web site www.contaxcameras.co.uk LOOK AT THE OFFERS
I also see that the RXII will be launched as well as the TVS Digital.
Looks like they have something sorted as the U.K. will be showing for the first time.
Keep the North West Group Going
Adam, drop me an e-mail and I will try and help, just give me an idea of your budget and what you want to concentrate on. SLR Compact rangefinder and what interests you have.
You should drop an e-mail to the contax website and ask Frazer for some info.
All the best Bob
unfortunately I doubt ile be able to use the offer becasue it will be late summer before i can afford it.

My buget wil be around £3000 at the most and I really need a tripod with that as well