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Contax G2 Shutter Release Cable

You are welcome Jeff, the price in the UK of the L release was around = =A325 ($37.50), if you are in the the States it's likely to be less, my guess = is probably $30. Art.
B&H in NYC (and on the web) sells the L30 for $22.50, thats 30 cm about 1 foot. The L100 or 1 meter is $24.50.

Paul, I apologize if you interpreted "cheap" as a slur. In my circles, "cheap" means "frugal", and is the basis for some friendly competition.

I speak about the cable release of the G camera because it is the same as my manual SLRs. The socket is threaded, so it can be confused with a socket for mechanical releases (RTS III has both).

My point about the paper clip was this: the Contax L socket operates by shorting the center contact to ground (e.g. socket collar). For the RTS III with 2CR5 battery, I measure a current draw of 44 micro&s at 6V. That makes the cable switch L less suitable for long exposures like astro use.

The L-30 is available from B&H for $25: this is nothing more than a pair of wires with a close-contact switch on the end. Frugal persons -- like me -- may choose to improvise.
The best thing about the RTS III having both a mechanical and an L type electrical shutter release is that the mechanical release does not draw current from the batteries-at least not after the viewfinder display shuts off. The use of this socket was not intuitive at first. You have to squeeze the plunger first and lock it, THEN depress the shutter release button on top of the camera. Good engineering by Contax. You could keep the shutter open for an hour and not drain the batteries in the least.
Ron Walton
Good description, Ron.

I should clarify my earlier point about &erage. The L socket itself would take years to drain the battery: it is the opened electro-magnetic shutter that sucks real current. That applies to all Contax cameras in production, G series included. The exception is the RTS III with mechanical release.

Since it applies to G users, I will later measure the current draw of the open electro-magnetic shutter.
Thanks so much for the tip on B&H, guess I'll unbolt my wallet and buy the proper cable for the G2. JUST for your gee whiz file, Kyocera/Contax hasn't responded to either my email Or my phone message yet.
I just bought a G1 and this is my first contact
with RF AF cameras. Could any of you old hands
explain what is the best procedure to achieve correct focusing and exposure when using a remote
release cable ? (I am still in the mindset of AF SLR where the cable release is triggered in 2 steps, first for focusing and metering, second for shutter release).


does anybody know if the Contax Cable Switch 'S' works with Contax G1?
Thanks in advance.