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Contax NX New User First Impression



The first roll has come back and the results are overall OK. the 28-80 lens is SHARP and good contast but regarding metering and flash I have the following questions.

Film used Kodak Gold 200ASA

1. Many of the flash pictures with the built in flash were under exposed. I was within the flash range and I was not able to pinpoint the cause as some pictures were properly exposed while many were under exposed.

2. How the TTL functions? Does it consider the metering mode like spot,evaluating etc. or the TTL is indipendent of the metering mode?

3. I have read in some review that the spot meter is not 5% as adverised but more like 10%, if so how and which part of the viewfinder is the SPOT?

4. How the center weighted metering works? As per the diagram given in the manual it utilises all the five sensors!

5. The evaluating metering is like five spot reading with some algorith to decide the exposure. What type of algorithm? (In the Nikon F601 I was using they claim to have database of more than 3000 combinations and out of which proper exposure is determined.

Reposting as didn't get a single reply.
Please HELP!


Posted by Raj G. Khandwala on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 - 1:56 pm:

The first roll has come back and the results are overall OK. the 28-80
lens is SHARP and good contast but regarding metering and flash I have
the following questions.

Film used Kodak Gold 200ASA

1. Many of the flash pictures with the built in flash were under
exposed. I was within the flash range and I was not able to pinpoint
the cause as some pictures were properly exposed while many were under

2. How the TTL functions? Does it consider the metering mode like
spot,evaluating etc. or the TTL is indipendent of the metering mode?

3. I have read in some review that the spot meter is not 5% as
adverised but more like 10%, if so how and which part of the
viewfinder is the SPOT?

4. How the center weighted metering works? As per the diagram given in
the manual it utilises all the five sensors!

5. The evaluating metering is like five spot reading with some
algorith to decide the exposure. What type of algorithm? (In the Nikon
F601 I was using they claim to have database of more than 3000
combinations and out of which proper exposure is determined.

I cannot help you with the flash questions, as I have not used it extensively. I can refer you to the Popular Photography review:
which is available online and very detailed, and gives very useful information on how to use the flash. Regarding your other questions:
3. According to PopPhoto it is more like 15%, roughly around the center. It is NOT true spot (big difference with N1)
4. The sensors are for focusing only. Focusing and metering are not linked on the NX.
5. The algorithm is a mystery. In my experience, it is ready to compensate exposure in backlight situations only. When I used it routinely, hoping for some smart program able to figure out the right exposure most of the time, I only got overexposed slides!
Good luck! It's a nice camera, but it has its shortcomings.
Thanks for the link. Can someone please guide me as to how to TEST the different metering tpyes? The purpose of the test is to identify the behavior of the metering in different light situations.

Also just Curious, how Popular Photography arrived at a fact that the spot metering is 15% around the center?
One of the nicest features of the NX is that in the custom functions you can set it up so you will see in the viewfinder the difference between the exposure the camera is giving you in the current metering mode and what another mode would give you (I am not sure what combinations are possible; I think if you are using "spot" you can set it up to see what the matrix recommendation would be-- it's on the manual, under "Custom functions", and I don't have it with me right now). That way you can compare two different modes in real time.

I have no idea how PopPhoto determine that.