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Contax T3 vs Leica CM

My initial thought was "Oh Damn!" maybe I should have got a CM instead of a T3! BUT the reasons for not getting a CM are the same as not getting a minilux: No macro (0.7m min focal distance on the CM) I like getting as close as 0.35m with my T3. Also from the pictures of the CM it doesn't appear to have an integrated lens cover - looks like you need a cap or something. Anyhow the macro swings it for me. And the T3 is smaller!
My T2 seem similar in size and weight to the CM. In fact mine seems only to be 5 grams lighter than the CM and is a couple of mm wider and 1mm higher but 3mm shallower or less deep. Also I've realized that my T2 doesn't have the macro facility of the T3 as the minimum focusing range on the T2 is the same as the new CM at 0.7m.
Also the flash on the CM is more powerful.
The T3 is smaller as you say and more convenient than my T2 and the CM and it has the closer focusing.
Oh dear, I thought I had put aside thoughts of changing but now I'm thinking about it again. But I'm also thinking of going digital so I ought to put aside other thoughts. There is a limit to what you can do!.

One big advantage of the T2 over the T3 is ergonomics. The T2, with its single function dials, is about as simple to operate as any camera can be, as opposed to multifunction buttons on the T3 and most other P&Ss. That alone is reason to hold onto it.
Thanks Robert. I do find the T2 easy to use. It is always the camera which goes with me when I want to travel light or cannot be bothered to take more gear.
I just got the LEICA CM. It is a bit early for me to make a complete review, but I think that ergonomics are also an advantage of the LEICA CM with single function dials (distance, aperture, program shift) or single function buttons (flash, exposure correction, timer, date).
I have got a LEICA CM quite recently, and I do not think it accepts filters (no mention of filters in the manual, and a negative answer from the retailer).
Review of the CM on photo.net


by roger michel:

"i got a chance to see a CM very briefly (five minutes at a trade show) several weeks ago and posted favorable initial impressions. i thought it might be a worthy competitor for the excellent t3, especially with its faster lens and apparent better manual controls. after spending a much longer time actually shooting pics with a CM yesterday, i have now come to believe that it has very serious design defects, and cannot touch the t3 as a leica-style compact street shooter.

let me first say that i did not have a manual, but rather received detailed instructions from a company rep. i am assuming he gave me correct information. if i have misstated anything, please correct me ASAP. let me also say that IMO the standard set by the t3 is very high indeed. the lens wide open shows greater measured center sharpness than the 35 cron at 2.8. the custom controls allow you to control virtually every important parameter. the one button persistent AF/AE lock is genius. the build quality is very high, there is a great hard half-case, and the camera is virtually silent. a tough act to follow!!

as for the CM, the obvious shortcomings are these: (1) no filters OR shades. i honestly can't see how this feature could have been omitted. filters are essential to good b&w photography. the ricoh and contax offerings have this facility -- why not leica?? (2) the camera is larger than the t3 or gr1 by a fair margin which makes it less stealthy and pocketable. (3) no hard half case oor any other facility for normal 2 lug strap hanging. again, ricoh and contax offer this useful feature. (4) THE BIG ONE!! neither the focus nor the exposure can be preset for quick firing!!!! in manual focus and manual aperture setting, you must still depress the shutter halfway and wait for the camera to focus to the preset distance and calculate exposure before it will fire!! this creates a HUGE lag -- as long a lag as if you used AF/AE!!! with the contax and ricoh, when you set manual focus and lock exposure the camera immediately locks the lens at the prefocused distance and dials in the exposure. then, when you press the button, the camera fires IMMEDIATELY -- no lag. the leica CM system is a joke. why bother to have the manual settings if they create as much lag as the auto settings. (5) the AF was markedly slower than either the ricoh or t3 that i brought for comparison. (6) the plastic surround on the rear LCD is uncomfortable againt the face. (7) very limited range of custom settings as compared to the t3.

this post is already too long, so i won't go into any more detail. but, IMO, if the rep is right and there is no way to get the camera to actually prefocus and stay prefocused in the manual mode, creating a huge focus lag before every shot, i just don't see how the CM can be called a "decisive moment "camera (as leica does). this is an unbelievable omission. why they didn't just copy the wonderful "one-touch" AF/AE lock of the t3 is a baffling mystery.

hopefully somebody will tell me that the rep got it wrong and there is a custom setting somewhere to overcome this otherwise fatal defect. contax was rumored to have obtained input from more than 100 photogs shooting beta s&les befored it finalized the features on the t3. did leica do anything beyond talking to the design boys (it is a beautiful camera)??"
Re: "Review of the CM on photo.net " by Niki. You missed one, the T3 has will focus to 0.35m on macro, the CM won't focus closer than 0.7m. Cheers David