I was recently on a ship crossing the North Atlantic. as it was January it was a little rough. There were a few birds flying round the ship, which I tried to photograph with low success rate. I would like any suggestions on autofocus settings/MF to improve matters next time.... Using a A77ii.
I was located on deck at a height of about 16 metres above the sea level. The ship was doing 20 knots, mostly in Force 7 to 9, fortunately on the aft quarter. Rise and fall where I was = about 4 metres every 10-15 sec.
The birds insisted on gliding at low level in the lee of the ship, so were well below my position, meaning I was looking down on them against the background of the waves. This seemed to mean the AF (even if it initially acquired them) tended to lock on the waves rather than the bird. Hence I have a lot of great pics of the North Atlantic seawater only spoiled by an out of focus bird in the way. (also I have lots of seawater pics without the bird, where I missed it completely.
Later in the trip the weather abated, and the birds few higher, so the AF worked fine with them against the sky. So not a camera/lens problem...
Any suggestions how to shoot a moving target against a moving background? The combo seems unsurprisingly to fox the AF, which seems to want a target against something more static. Or shoot lots with MF and hope the bird cooperates and flies into focus??
I will be doing the same trip at the end of the year so would like to learn/do better.
I was located on deck at a height of about 16 metres above the sea level. The ship was doing 20 knots, mostly in Force 7 to 9, fortunately on the aft quarter. Rise and fall where I was = about 4 metres every 10-15 sec.
The birds insisted on gliding at low level in the lee of the ship, so were well below my position, meaning I was looking down on them against the background of the waves. This seemed to mean the AF (even if it initially acquired them) tended to lock on the waves rather than the bird. Hence I have a lot of great pics of the North Atlantic seawater only spoiled by an out of focus bird in the way. (also I have lots of seawater pics without the bird, where I missed it completely.
Later in the trip the weather abated, and the birds few higher, so the AF worked fine with them against the sky. So not a camera/lens problem...
Any suggestions how to shoot a moving target against a moving background? The combo seems unsurprisingly to fox the AF, which seems to want a target against something more static. Or shoot lots with MF and hope the bird cooperates and flies into focus??
I will be doing the same trip at the end of the year so would like to learn/do better.