DPR Forum

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G2 Newbies Observations


"trucks is trucks,whatever"

incorrect,do you want me explain what torque is? {


Maybe the web administrator could separate out joe's thread with all the rest? sorry for the extra work mr/ms admin.
To Mike L.

You wrote, "Make digital one via LightJet (or inkjet if you like) and film one via good enlarger."

How does the enlarger work with slide film? Is there paper to print this or must a negative be made first?


You can make prints from enlarger with slides. It requires different paper and chemicals. City College in San Francisco still offers color printing class of its kind.


> To Mike L.
> You wrote, "Make digital one via LightJet (or
> inkjet if you like) and film one via good
> enlarger."
> How does the enlarger work with slide film? Is
> there paper to print this or must a negative be
> made first?
> Scott

Assuming you're not kidding, Type R paper is what you would need. I think Fuji's paper is "Type 35". Kodak, Fuji, Konica and Ilford make papers that can be used for direct prints from slides. However, Ilford Ilfochrome Classic (former name is Cibachrome, and I think it was only change in name, not in paper) is considered to be absolutely the best.

Hi Joe,

> It was under G2-General Questions. The author was Austin Franklin. The > link that Austin pointed to was > http://www.darkroom.com/MiscDocs/G2MeterPlot.jpg > > Very helpful!!!!! Thanks.

You're welcome. I found that in the G2 brochure I have. If it's accurate, and there is no reason for me to believe it isn't, I like this meter pattern. You can probably get the brochure from Contax if you either call them in New Jersey, or email them from the web site.



The meter plot is great.....reminds me of when they used to do real camera tests (independently), and no, I'm not that old. When did they stop doing these tests? The meter plots shows a nice emphasis right at the center. It seems to me that if I were to try to blend spot and a broad center weighted meter, this is what I would get. If it was the design goal, then the engineers did a good job. If it was an accident, then luck happens. I wonder...did Popular Photography (or anyone else) ever do a deep review/test of the G2?

> > >Tim Vanderweert wrote: > >My prints will always have better tonality than digital; better exposure >latitude. A mlore classic look. You can have the bigger print. Who >needs a print bigger than 13x19 anyway?

> Austin

Actually, you and I agree on this, I think.

I am willing to concede apparent sharpness, color intensity, and lack of grain as digital attributes. I understand what you are saying about a two pixel image, but from what I have seen, a six megapixel digital camera is not quite as sharp as a good 35mm film image, but the difference, which almost makes up for it, is the lack of grain, or what amounts to noise.

But digital seems to lack something, or perhaps they have something in the result I don't like, because the images from digital do not seem as interesting, or perhaps it is that they appear unnatural. Cartoons may be too strong, but it has an element of truth to it. The images are heavily processed.

In any event, my other point is that using criteria such as consumer convenience, professional utility, and profit or savings from digital, and hence sales, to evaluate the benefits of digital imaging takes the discussion of quality in entirely the wrong direction. Just because a process works for a "pro" (a wedding photographer, for ex&le) does not mean that it is good for the making the most beautiful photographs.

Quality and aesthetics are related, but unfortunately, even with the best equipment, I know my pictures are not as good, from an aesthetic point of view, as a truly talented person can do with a Holga. Oh well. I continue to try.

I'm off to Hong Kong and Thailand for few days, with wife and two year old twin girls. And the G2.
