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German Translation of Raw PhotoStudio


Active Member
Hi All,

toisonder wrote:

The image size is too small for me to make out very much. I wonder if the site administrators have suggestions for posting the original spreadsheet (as a .zip?). Thanks for doing all the legwork on the translation!


Sorry for this tardy response, my lower back pain is..............

Herewith the German Translation in Text, I have included some German Alphabet characters unfamiliar to English Speakers and for the benefit of the Mac users, the Mac keyboard symbols.

German translation is courtesy of Google, any German terms that are missing can easily be translated by Google.

Raw PhotoStudio = Raw PhotoStudio
Informationen über RAW PhotoStudio = Information on Raw PhotoStudio
Dienste = Chinese Text Coverter etc,etc
Raw PhotoStudio Ausblenden ⌘H = Raw PhotoStudio Hide ⌘H
Andere ausblenden ⌥⌘H = Hide ⌥⌘H
Alle einblenden = Show All
Raw PhotoStudio beenden ⌘Q = Quit ⌘Q
Datei = File
Offnen ⌘O = Open ⌘O
Exportieren/Speichern ⇧⌘E = Export/Save ⇧⌘E
Stapelexport = ⌘B = Stack/Export ⌘B
Stapelverarbeitung ⇧⌘B = Batch Processing ⇧⌘B
Raw in DNG konvertieren = Convert Raw to DNG
Seiteneinrichtung ⇧⌘P = Page Setup ⇧⌘P
Drucken ⌘P = Print ⌘P
Bearbeiten = Edit
Rückgängig ⌘Z = Undo ⌘Z
Wiederholen ⇧⌘Z = Repeat ⇧⌘Z
Wiederherstellen ⌘R = Restore ⌘R
Nach links drehen ⌘K = Rotate Left ⌘K
Nach rechts drehen ⌘L = Rotate Right ⌘L
Ansicht = View
Ganzer Bildschirm ⌘O = Full Screen ⌘O
1:1 ⌘1 = 1:1 ⌘1
4:1 ⌘4 = 4:1 ⌘4
Ein Foto Ansicht = A Photo View
Vorher/Nachher-Ansicht = Before/After View
Vergleichsansicht = Comparative View
Warnung Helle Stellen/Schatten ⇧⌘H = Warning Light Make/Shade ⇧⌘H (Over Exposed Highlights/Shadows)
Nur RAW-Bilddateien anzeigen = Only Raw Image Files
Rezeptur = Recipe
Rezeptur speichern = Save recipe
Rezeptur laden = Recipe download
Rezeptur kopieren ⇧⌘C = Copy Recipe ⇧⌘C
Rezeptur einfügen ⇧⌘V = Paste recipe ⇧⌘V
Rezepturenmanager = Recipe Manager
Extras = Extras
Weitere Image Master Series Produkte = More Image Master Series Products
Image Master Series im Internet = Image Master series on the Internet
Hilfe = Help
Raw PhotoStudio Hilfe = Raw PhotoStudio Help
Zum Browser = For Browser

Belichtung = Exposure
Farbton = Hue
Sättigung = Saturation
Helligkeit = Brightness
Kontrast = Contrast
Weißabgleich = White Balance
Wie zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme = As at the date of recording
Temperatur = Temperature
Farbton = Hue
Schärfer machen & Störungen entfernen = Disorders & Sharpener make away
Schärfen = Sharpen
Farbstörungen = Colour
Luminanz = Luminosity
Kurven & Stufen = Curves & Levels
Eingabe = Input
Ausgabe = Issue
Helle Stellen & Schatten = Light & Shadow Posts
Helle Stellen = Bright Points
Heller machen = Making Light
Schatten = Shadow
Dunkler machen = Darken
Zurechtschneiden & Begradigen = Crop & Straighten
Zurechtschneide-bereich festlegen = Crop Area Set
Ergebnis anzeigen = Show Results
Bildseiten-verhältnis = Photo pages ratio
Begradigen = Straighten
Rote Augen entfernen = Red Eye Removal
Automatic Ausbessern = Automatic Repair
Manuales Ausbessern = Manual Mending
Flecken & Makel entfernen = Stain & Remove Blemishes
Manuales Ausbessern = Manual Mending
Größe = Size
Farbeffekte = Colour
Rot/Cyan = Red/Cyan
Grün/Magenta = Green/Magenta
Blau/Gelb = Blue/Yellow
Heller/Dunkler = Lighter/Darker
Farbanpassungen = Colour
Farbton = Hue
Sättigung = Saturation
Luminanz = Luminosity

Linsenkorrektur = Lens Correction
Lilafarbenen Farbsaum entfernen = Purple Remove Farbsaum
Roter/cyanfarbener Farbsaum = Red/Cyan Farbsaum
Blauer/gelber Farbsaum = Blue/Yellow Farbsaum
Vignettierung: Menge = Vignetting: Quantity
Mittepunkt = Mid Point
Verzerrung = Distortion
Perspektive: Horizontal = Perspective Horizontal
Perspektive: Vertikal = Perspective Vertical
German Alphabet (Unfamilar to English Speakers)
Apple Keyboard Symbols
Command ⌘
Shift ⇧
Option ⌥
Enter ⌤
Return ↩
Control ⌃
Up Arrow ↑
Down Arrow ↓
Left Arrow ←
Right Arrow →
Page Up ⇞
Page Down ⇟
Top (Home) ↖
Escape (Esc) ⎋
End ↘
Delete ⌫
Kind regards to all,


Hi toisondor,

Wunderbar, indeed, I waste my time, with your German fluency........!

The translation in text was my easy way out, I struggled to find an image size suitable for posting, can't think straight with this constant lower back pain. My GP is on holiday, I'm booked to see him as soon as he returns.

Best regards,

I sincerely hope you find and enjoy a solution soon to your back-ache issue, iMac. As a retired electrical linesman, having to use an old fashioned leather belt for many years whilst working on power poles, I really know what lower back-pain can do to a person's quality of life.

Sincere regards, JR

Portfolio: www.pbase.com/jrdigitalart

Hi toisonder,


Images exported from the German language only, Raw PhotoStudio appear in two separate files, a Tiff file and a .PSR file.

Clicking on the .PSR file opens ArcSoft PhotoStudio Darkroom v, this software has the same colour adjustments as the German edition.

It seems that when you purchase the German Raw PhotoStudio you also get the English ArcSoft version.
I have since found this application in my (Mac) Applications Folder and copied to the Dock.

I have used this English Language version to improve individual image colours, Blue Sky, Red Roses etc on previously edited saved images.
I'm delighted with the improvements.

At £35.46, this German software is an outstanding purchase!

