DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

Hello from France


New Member

My name is Bernard, quality engineer now retired.
I'm glad to join the Community.
Since a loooong time I used to be a Nikon man....
Until 3 weeks ago when I discovered the Sigma Merrill and its wonderful Foveon sensor.
I bought DP2m and DP3m as a first step!! Very amazing cameras.
Going to explore and discorer a new road...very exiting

Greetings and Merry Christmas.

Hallo Bernard,

welcome at Camera-info.com! Yes the Sigma Merrills are really impressive. In my view a lot better than the new Quattros. I used to have the DP2M and DP3M, but downsized my equipmenst over the last couple of weeks. My new goal is to have less cameras than fingers on one hand. Makes it easier to remember how to operate them ;)

Just bear in mind to shoot always in RAW and only convert the RAW files with SPP. Make WB and most importent settings in SPP. Convert then to TIFF and make finale adjustments in LR.

Best wishes
Hi Bernard
I also reside in France (24),i still have my M/F film cameras but use Nikons.
I also have a drum scanner for trannies.
I have been interested in the Fovon sensor,look forward to seing some images in the future.
Happy new year
Hi Dave,

I think the Merrill Foveon sensor comes close to MF in the imaoge impression. Resolution depends on with which MF back you compare it. But the Foveon sensor is a beast that needs special handling. Not easy in every situation. Best used up to max ISo400.

The merrills are a bargain at the moment. Around 350-400 Euro for a DP2M or DP3M is really cheap to test it out. Both lenses are excellent. I mean really excellent! The DP1M lens is very good to excellent, but not as good as the other two.

Best wishes
Hi Bernard,

welcome to our community. Hope to see some results from your new Sigmas soon!

from Basel (Switzerland)