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I've gotten very much into the whole science of scanning, which is far far far more complex than anyone could really imagine. What I'm attempting to do is create archival negatives for post production at a later time. This means the highest scanning resolution contained in a DNG with all film raw data. Storage and horsepower are not an issue.

I'm using VueScan 9 and a Canon CanoScan 9000F. VueScan, although not very intuitive, is so damn powerful and perfect for the workflow I want to create. It's the CanoScan 9000F that I'm not too happy with. Yes, you can scan in at 9600 dpi, but true resolution lies somewhere between 1700 and 2000 dpi. This is not acceptable quality for me. I understand I'm not going to get the best possible quality with a $200 scanner, but I didn't think it would be that bad. I need help.

What scanners would you recommend for medium format? I don't mind if it's dedicated or not. I'm looking for quality and I'm willing to pay for it.
Affordable scanners are the Epson V700 and the V750.

For better resolution etc. Nikon 9000.

Top of the bill Hasselblad X1 and X5 Flextight scanners 10.000 + euro

Check this German site, partly in English http://www.scandig.de/
Yeah, I figure these were going to be the ones people were going to recommend. I've sent back the 9000F today and am going to be ordering a V700 or V750. No one here has problems recommending a scanner that's 5 years old?
Keep in mind the PC/laptop you are working with could be the weak spot when using older gear.
The Epson scanners are in no way obsolete, no problems here.

I abandoned the idea to use an older drum scanner because its software could only communicate with older apple pc's.
Those pc's can be found now in attics and fleamarkets.

The Epson V750 is an excellent choice. Not the best scanner but good value for money.
Besides the Nikon 9000, are there other dedicated film scanners you might recommend such as the Canon FS4000US? I may head down the path of older, but good equipment that has dropped drastically in price.
No first hand experience with the Canon FS4000US.

Check the site of scandig for a report or test of this scanner.