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Hmm Thatbs weird

Also, always keep a lens cap on when the camera is not being used. The meter keeps on working when it can 'see' light and that runs the batteries down too.
I may be using the wrong batteries.
Is it true that even in the "off" position, the batteries are still working?!.
I also would like to know why setting the shutter speed to B or 1/60 saves battery life.

> [Yes you had wrong batteries, use SR44. And don't worry, the batteries are not working. In OM-1(N) and OM-2(N) the off really means off and batteries should last at least a year. OM-3 and OM-4 cameras are completely different story. ]
I've used OM's for more years than I wish to admit and have found they go thro batteries fast.
While my Canon T90 rarely needs a change, I often renew batteries in both the OM2N(SP) and OM4Ti.
When I take the OM's out I ALWAYS take along at least one complete set of new batteries....... just in case !!
There is no on/off switch, so when not in use always leave the camera in manual exposure mode with the lens cap ON. This seems to conserve battery life.
If I'm not likely to use the camera for a couple of weeks I usually remove the batteries.
Setting shutter to 1/60 or B settings is the fully manual setting for use when there is insufficient battery power to opperate the cameras exposure meter and other electronic functions.
Hope this may be of help.