DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
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Just a friendly "Hello"


Hi Everyone,

My name is Claudio and I am a fine art photographer based in Bristol. Just wanted to say hi and show that I am not a robot (yet...)...

I am looking forward to fruitful discussions.

All the best

Hi Dirk,

I shoot digital with a CFV-50 as well as analog with a 503 CW Hasselblad and a set of Carl Zeiss lenses as well as with a Canon 5D Mark III... - love both.
Hi Claudio and welcome to the Forum. I used to live in Clifton in Bristol - lovely part of the City. That's a nice kit you have - for MF work I mostly use a Contax 645 with Zeiss or Mamiya 645 lenses and flip between film and digital backs. The Hasselblad Ixpress backs work superbly with the C645 and for fine-art work, the multi-shot 384C and 528C backs are superb. I still shoot with a Contax RTS Fundus and host of Zeiss and Yashica ML lenses for enjoyment though my everyday cameras are the Olympus OM-D E-M1 and either a Contax i4R or SL300RT as the little Contaxes fit inside a jacket pocket. I had been using the Fuji X-T1 (I love Fuji glass and still use it on my GX680III) but the in-built focus stacking on the E-M1 won me over.

Please give my regards to Bristol; my girlfriend still lives there but she prefers to drive to the Welsh valleys.
Hi Biggles3,

Yes, Clifton is very nice - I'm in the Montpelier part of town which is becoming nicer and nicer by the day. A lot of re-development going on and new places opening up every month.

The Welsh valleys must be very nice too. Such beautiful landscape and great outdoor life. I shoot mainly fine art, portraiture ( which are both great on the Hasselblad) and street photography. I think I'm just missing a Leica in my collection and then I'm sorted.

One day...

Greetings to you too in the valleys...
