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Lay it on me

Macro guy

Well-Known Member
I'd like to be the first one to submit my image for critique. Don't just say you love it or hate it, tell me why and what I should have done differently to make it better. This is a critique forum, so don't hesitate to do just that. Feedback is important.

  • Canon - Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • 32.0 mm
  • ƒ/13
  • 59 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 400
ok, what I like in the first second is, that I do not know immediately what it is. In general, I like images I am forced to think about them.

I also like the climax thanks to the combination how the building ranks into the image and at the same time the clouds, which look like it would start to rain soon.

This gives for me a kind of "tension" between the two.

On top of this, you have the light on some balconies, which attracts the eye similar to thunderbolts.

I do not know, whether the image would have looked better, if the building would start in the lower right hand corner. Only experiments could show this.
ok, what I like in the first second is, that I do not know immediately what it is. In general, I like images I am forced to think about them.

I also like the climax thanks to the combination how the building ranks into the image and at the same time the clouds, which look like it would start to rain soon.

This gives for me a kind of "tension" between the two.

On top of this, you have the light on some balconies, which attracts the eye similar to thunderbolts.

I do not know, whether the image would have looked better, if the building would start in the lower right hand corner. Only experiments could show this.
Thanks for the feedback. I had taken a number of shots varying the building placement, including starting it from the corner. I've found the current composition to be the most dynamic.
That's really good. Similar to Dirk, I could not figure out what it was initially -- which makes it fun. Good eye and well done! Your picture confirms... that I need to get creative, keep my eyes open to various possibilities, and think outside the box a little more.
That's really good. Similar to Dirk, I could not figure out what it was initially -- which makes it fun. Good eye and well done! Your picture confirms... that I need to get creative, keep my eyes open to various possibilities, and think outside the box a little more.
There is interesting stuff everywhere. I don't think in terms of content and things, rather, I think in terms of colors, light, lines and shapes. If you think in those terms, everything becomes interesting.