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Looking for some advice on Contax AX


New Member
I currently have a 167mt and have an opportunity to buy a used AX. If anyone had both, is it an upgrade that is worth the price?

Is the AF good enough to make the move?

Is it relyable? What would be the part that would risk the most to be broken?

Would you recommend buying a used AX?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Your heart, if you ever had to part with the AX after using it! And finally Yes, if from a good dealer!

Cheers, Kyocera Kid.

p.s. I'm sure I won't be the only one to be so positive about the AX ..... but ask some specific questions if you wish, I'm sure there will be a few enthusiastic AX and Ex-167MT users willing to expand!
Mine has not broken yet, so I cannot tell. "Standard repair" is said to be $200 (Kyocera website).
Yes, if you have have some sort of warranty or return privilege.

Hello Patrick (and others, of course)

I have an AX for the past two years (in addition to a RTS II and an old 137). It took me a little while to find out the various modes of autofocus, but it works fine. If you shoot in low light situations, you may have a little problem, because suddenly the autofocus 'cannot make up its mind'.

The continously variable 10 mm extension ring (my understanding of the macro setting) works extremely well and I have been able to produce some nice close up shots.

Reliability? I would say my camera has been reliable. Some talk of problems and in the same sentence talk of a dropped camera. Well, this camera is most likely more delicate than others because of its internal focus mechanism - but you get so much more fun out of this versatile tool than many others.

Kind regards
Lars Lund
i have a 167 wwhich i now use as a 2nd body having
replaced it as my primary camera with the ax because i needed an af (due to catarcts)
the major problem with the ax for me (arthritic shoulders) was
that it was bulky and heavy but it handled and felt
ok. the af works well after getting used to how to
use it. other nice features are continuos focus,
2 second self-timer, macro etc and best of all you can use all those great cz lenses.i really like this camera.

try it and enjoy. henry

btw bob, some time ago i had power failure after a repair due to my dropping camera with vs 28-85 on board. kyocera, new jersy repaired it under the
repair warranty and no problem since.
Nice to hear of a happy ending Henry.

Am I right in thinking that I have heard more compliments about New Jersey than complaints? I hope so!

Cheers, Bob.
hi colin,
you asked :-

<Does the 2 sec self timer also lock up the mirror and stop down the lens?>

unfortuneatly no mirror lock-up.
The AX is a great camera, if you don't plan to use the autofocus for sports and other activities that require fast accurate continuous focusing. You need Nikon or Canon for that.

On the up side I found it to be quieter than my RX, and the 10mm extension is terrific especially with the 135. The autofocus works in conjunction with the lens focusing ring. So you can either use the AF initially and touch-up accuracy with the lens, or vice versa. The AF system will focus to the point set on the lens barrel. So if it is set to 10 feet, it will only AF to 10 feet. Set it to infinity and it will focus from minimum lens focus to infinity.

I purchased the AX new and needed to get it repaired twice because it wouldn't focus any lens to infinity.

Good-luck in the decision making process!