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Macro Photography ... using a bellows...

Guest .

Hello All,

I have always been interested in macro photography since I have used SLR-cameras.

Although SIGMA offers some very nice MACRO-lenses (which have their prices) there is no commercial bellows-lens-attachment available in the market.

Nevertheless, we found a solution, to make a bellows ourselves..... Let's call it the "Camera-Infio-SIGMA-Bellows...":D

In fact it was not an idea of my own ... but the inventor is a member of this forum and promised to write a report on how to make the bellows. Tanks in advance!! I'm not going to tell more at the moment but in a few days we will surely have a construction manual here in the forum!

Those SIGMAtonians who want to be helped making their own bellows will be helped here ... just post us, what you would like to know.


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This is mine .... SD9 in combination with the SIGMA 28-80mm HF MACRO lens and an old SOLIGOR ring-flash.

And this is a photo, which I took an hour ago in my garden ......

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Interested??? I hope so!:)

If there are questions ... just post them!

See you with nice pictures



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Hi again,

there is another photo, I took some minutes ago ....

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Most problematic with those shots is the extremely thin depth of field.

The insects move ... the plants, they sit on, shake with the wind ... and finally the photographer (ego) is no tripod.:)

So, ... if one out of 20 shots hits the target, I am fairly glad.

See you with nice photos



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Hi Klaus,
very impressive pictures again.
I´ll give it a try the next days and keep my fingers crossed:z04_head_wall:
Hi again,

.... and this is Uwe, the "inspired" inventor of the SIGMA-bellows who is to write us the instructions how to make the SIGMA bellows.;)

Let us wait a few days ... it really works ... as my pictures show!
Thanks Uwe ... :z04_TUjXSMUS:

We are very much looking forward for the SIGMA-bellows-instruction-manual!;)

See you with nice pictures

Hi All,

today I again managed to take some flies. The only thing, I did differently was that I did not use my ring-flash but an ordinary one, which I fitted to a rail ... I show it below:

View attachment 99

So, the flash light comes from overhead, which certainly leads to shadows.

On the other hand a larger area is illuminated (so you do not have the problem with black-backgrounds) and, as I think, you have a very natural light situation, next to an available light situation indeed.

Have a look:

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All shots again are SD9 / SIGMA 28-80mm HF MACRO / SIGMA SD Bellows / Metz 34-CS-2 (with wide angle screen on).

The flash was set to full power so I could stop down the lens to an apperture of 16 for at least "some" depth of field

See you with nice pictures;)



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I like it

Hi, I have been using manual lens on a m42 bellows for a while and would really really like to know how you to make one, did I mention really really would like to know .......... :z04_sabber:
Hee hee ...cool smiley ....