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Need help with Repair.....


Well-Known Member
I did not know where to post this...:confused: (This does not deal with a Sigma Product...but I know a lot of the readers here are over seas...)

I have an Angenieux that started acting up on me about three months ago...I have taken it to some of the local shops in my area...but none of them want to touch it...I contacted Angenieux to find out if they could fix it...they gave me a name of...
Atelier Photo Ciné.... Elodie contacted me, they are in France. Here is my dilemma...I have not had good luck with overseas shipping and/or transactions...(mainly from eBay...) I am a little reluctant....I just want to know if anyone here has used this shop or even been by it and what your thoughts are...they want the lens and camera...shipped UPS...

The lens is a 28-70 f2.6 - which lately has doubled in price...it's a good lens...actually I love it...

Thank you in advance....
Tony C :z04_cowboy:

(Mods sorry...but I did not know where else to put this...!!)
What type of repair do you think needs?
Not so common lens name, I will ask an expert collector on Sunday if he know something about it ...in Italy.
Bustoner...when I mount the lens...it starts to work right..then you get a clicking and grinding sound...I don't think anything is actually grinding..I just think it is not making contact right...this is inbetween the infinity focus and the number 3 on the lens....I just want to make sure that I send it to a reputable place...that can fix it and not make it worse...I done that once already...with a nikon lens...

Thank you so much...

Tony C. :z04_cowboy:
I understand
...and do you alredy try open only the back mount plate? ...most times motors and gears are easy there, you can check if it's only a gear out of post, screw moving or contacts/wires a bit detached etc...

I will let you know next week....:)
LOL...you know me well...I did try to take the screws out...but they were to hard and I did not want to strip them...so I stoped...

Thank you for your help...

Tony C. :z04_cowboy:
Like promise
...nothing know about assistance for Angenieux, I think first you have to find a french photographer in some forums :)

...about difficult screws, (I don't know tecnical words) I always use a screwdriver were you insert the driver you need (+ or - or torx etc...) a classic one, you find anywhere, but buying apart professional small inserts (I don't know how to call...:))

so you have a normal big screwdriver (and not small common electronic or philips screwdrivers) with more power and precision without strip anymore, always working good.

the insert/point + I always use, is made in USA with code P0 (works on most screws)

wish can help you trying like this.
good luck

Bustoner...thank you...I do have the small technical ones needed to take the lens apart...but the screws are too tight..I can put a compound on them to loosen them up...but I would rather leave it to a professional...

As you instructed..I found a few french sites....and have posted on them....waiting to see if anyone will help out...

Thank you very much...

Tony C.:z04_cowboy: