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Other ways to use the Zeiss 1.5 Sonnar


It turned out to be the wrong adapter but a set of Contax extension tubes also arrived yesterday so I have plenty to experiment with.

I may tr this again some time later.
Contax rfdr adapter

Hi Max,

Sorry to hear about the adapter. The price sounded too low for a double bayonet and focusing helix adapter. See the following link to view the correct adapter from Kipon.


Be careful buying a less expensive adapter as many are for the outer bayonet only and will not take the 50mm lenses.

See my flickr pics as the newest is with a pre-war CZJ 5cm f1.5 Sonnar on the NEX 7. It's a little out of focus so I'll re-shoot it today.

I use NIK Software's Tonal Contrast, Contrast Only and Sharpener Only on the ARW file and then remove color noise with Photoshop. Finally I convert to a JPG and apply Versace's Midtone Contouring, flatten and save.

Hi Max,

The re-shoot done and only latest of 50mm 1.5 macro on Flickr.

Now I have to go out and shoot something the 1.5 was made for, to get you more interested in using it on you NEX 7,
