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Plane, Boat, Train


Well-Known Member
After visiting MOHAI, here are a few shots from outside nearby... Kenmore Air DHC-3 Turbo Otter (Lake Union); Arthur Foss (built in 1889); and another shot from the same "noontime walk" location near Interbay (C44-9W and ES44AC heading up to refineries in Anacortes).

Wow, gorgeous images John. The colour and level of detail is superb!
Nice to hear your voice, Pete! Thanks for the compliment.... but it was "only" the 24-120 (good walk-around lens for a Father's Day outing). As you know, primes are hard to beat for IQ and I like using the 20, 60 and 85. I really like the 60/2.8 which I have had for a little more than a year (bought it used). But of course, zooms are flexible. The floatplanes... I will need to go back with the 80-400 and try to get some fun shots. When we were there, AT LEAST 5 planes landed and took-off over the course of only a few minutes. It was most likely the mid-afternoon peak, but still... a plane would land, taxi to the dock, drop-off passengers, pick-up passengers, and be heading out for departure again in no time. Pretty cool. The air service is focused on Victoria BC and the San Juan Islands. Then, stopped for pizza and beer afterwards at a brewpub situated alongside the RR tracks -- at the site I visited previously. Saw the line of tank cars as I was parking... and mentioned to the family... "I need to take a picture of that" -- and they laughed. Oh, and back to the MOHAI... shooting with the 24-120... I had VR turned OFF (for some reason) so it's good that I was concentrating on proper hand-holding technique. Not sure how much VR would have helped, but it would probably have helped a little bit. Noticed it when I took the train picture.. "Hmmmmm, I'm not seeing/feeling the VR actuation..." -- oh, look there, at the switch on the lens barrel. Silly me.
Thanks John. That's amazing about the floatplanes. I didn't realise they would be used that mucn. I guess it's another form of taxi cab!

Re the VR, I do that a lot on two of my Lumix zooms... pulling the lens out of the bag I somehow manage to flick the switch to off. Thankfully the live view on my mirrorless camera makes it obvious as soon as I half-press the shutter!