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Sigma DP Merrills & post processing


Right. I like the DP series. The DPM versions seem the best to me--perhaps not all the later versions, in terms of image quality?

I am a big fan of the DP Merrill series. I used to have the DP2M and DP3M. I was totally disappointed about the later generation sensors of Sigma. Even the newest one can not beat the Merrills.

The only disadvantage is SPP. I just can not understand why Sigma is not paying Adobe the money to have a good RAW converter inside of Adobe Lightroom. The sales would have sky-rocket.

What software do you use to make your DAM (digital asset management) with the Foveon files?
Sorry that I did not find any better software than Sigma's own SPP to deal with the Foveon files. For me the only problem with the SPP is its very slow speed. But I am not particulary care about processing speed (so long the image quality is good enough--I have been patient enough with all my film cameras and all the processing procedures anyway). By the way, I am now running away for a one-week trip to the provinces without my laptop with me, and I do not know if I can continue with the talk here using my mobile phone...:)
I do not mind the speed of SPP. But I had often problems with it hanging up/freezing when I had to many files imported.

This is why I do it now in a two step-process. I first look at all DPM-images to screeen what are the keepers and which go to the basket. I do not do this with SPP. I do this with Photomechanic 5.0, which is an amazing software by the way.

Only after I have all my keepers together and deleted already the not so good images, only then I open the good ones with SPP. This is making everything faster and since then, SPP does not hang up anymore on ym PC.

The RAW conversion I do then in SPP. There is simply no other RAW-Converter-Software that can convert the DPM files. Onve converted in SPP I either export the image as Jpeg or as TIFF, depends on the image and whether I want to do some more adjustments with Lightroom.

I sold my DP2M and DP3M again, but regretted it already. This DPM series with its Foveon Merrill sensor is able to compete with a Nikon D800 (even surpass it sometimes) and tehy have such a special appearance, so transparent, so 3D, so real. You simply do not find that in any other sensor. Maybe I will buy again a DPM second hand just for that. Even though the photo retouching is so much more work than with any other sensor. Sometimes the inconvenience is worth it...

I will move the last 2 postings into the Sigma Forum, so other Sigma users find it easier who are looking for the same issue.
Dirk, the limitation of this site's file sizes mean I cannot display some of my Sigma SD1 files big enough.

The only solution is to point everyone at my little portfolio at base.com/jrdigitalart.

Sincerest regards, Jim Roelofs
I'm using Sigma cameras for a while, since the SD9 advent and have two Merrils, the SD1 and DP2.

Sigma Photo Pro is capable of good results but it lacks some very basic (and fundamental) features like curves and levels adjustments. The only other software that handles Merril's raw files in an acceptable way is Iridient Developer (Mac). Both are slow like hell and a pain to do large batches of images.

I contacted many times Sigma's support asking for the above mentioned things to be implemented, but unfortunately they didn't.

Maybe the best approach for now would be to export a neutral TIFF using SPP and post process it later with your preferred software. This is what I was doing for Fuji's X-Trans files until Silkypix Pro 8E was launched. Too bad they told Merrils aren't in their plans, because actually Silkypix did a superb job with the SD14/15 and DP1/2 X3F files.

I have some Foveon material on my blog:

Hello all,
Wish Sigma to update DP Merrill series.
Newer compact style and better software.
I read some reviews comparing Sigma,s with the tank Nikon D800.
Sigma has the potential to invade the market with genuine inventive sensors and superior optics.
But, I do not know why it did not happen, yet!
IMHO Sigmas are too complicated and horrible other than the base ISO performance makes them too complicated for average people.
I love them, specially the DP2M, but the SD1 is sometimes hell on earth if you overexpose just a bit.