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Sigma Dp0 Quattro. Church of Three Riders


Well-Known Member
The most unusual building of the Crimean cave city of Eski-Kermen - miniature church (XII century) carved in the round limestone boulder. The temple occupies only 5.5 m long and 3.5 m wide. The huge boulder cut two entrances and a small window, and nearly half of the internal space is occupied by an altar. On the north wall is the only preserved fresco with a rare story, which gave the name of the temple. It shows three horsemen in flowing cloaks in the center - Saint George slaying the dragon, right and left - the horsemen with lances, and behind one of them a child sits.
Google maps


Inside the Сhurch (ƒ/8.0 ; 2s ; ISO 200)
I couldn't go inside. It's closed so that tourists don't damage the ancient mural. I put my hand with my camera through the small window. It was dark enough and I took a picture of the SFD. It came out well :)

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