Well-Known Member
I like mucking about in post to see what I get using a wide variety of techniques from sketch filters to mirroring (parts of) images and using extreme B&W contrasts. It just makes photography as a whole so much fun to always discover new ways to express reality and capture it in a flat image. Here's a few samples (clicking will take you to larger previews on my own web album site).
A traditional Dutch landscape with the ubiquitous windmills

An Egyptian or scifi pharaoh-like mask which is merely the interior staircase of a tower (for the Dutch here: het Monument op de Afsluitdijk) on a sunny day

Modern architectural details (Utrecht CS)

A traditional Dutch landscape with the ubiquitous windmills

An Egyptian or scifi pharaoh-like mask which is merely the interior staircase of a tower (for the Dutch here: het Monument op de Afsluitdijk) on a sunny day

Modern architectural details (Utrecht CS)