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Summicron 50mm f2 made in Canada


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
Is there any difference between the Summicron lens made in Canada or Germany?

Hey Bill,
I have a summicron 50mm, made in Canada,
and a 35mm Summicron asph made in Germany.
I dont think there is a difference
except that the 35 asph is an outstanding lense.
The pictures I made with this lens seem to be more three dimentional then the 50.But I dont think it has anything to do with where it was made. I think its because the 35mm asph is a later lens.Having said that , the 50 Summicron - I will never get rid of because its great lens and I think it will out perform any German lense of the same type and year. If you can get a Canadian lens and save money over the German make ,go for it.You won't be dissapointed
Hey John,
thanks for the good word. I'm looking forward to shooting my last roll of kodakrome today through my Summicron.
