Box Man
Well-Known Member
I just found this set. The photos are quite impressive. Actually, they are much more than impressive--they are WILD!Just going through an old folder here with bird shots and old Canon tele lenses with the E-M10 (original) and the E-M1. The 16mp sensor was and IMO still are excellent. No doubt some of my best shots have come from those two cameras and the 16mp sensor.
Yes, nice to have the m4/3 20mp sensor for sure and maybe even the GH6 26mp new sensor, but those old sensors can still hold their own today.
So a few shots from the 16mp sensors
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Always fun looking back on the older sensors and I did start with the 12mp m4/3 sensors. There was a difference there for sure, but I think a lot of it progressed with new tech being done besides just the mp.
All the best folks and just an old fart reminiscing over the older sensors is all.