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Using Leica IIIf red dial

Well, I tried to adjust the rangefinder but ran into a little trouble maybe some one here can help. The ring around the rangefinder window that i should be able to turn to adjust the vertical won't turn I have only been able to try to move it with a small screw driver in one of the two slots so I can't get much purchase on the ring to turn it. BUT somehow I don't think it should be so stiff. Second The instructions say to set the lens on infinity before adjusting the rangefinder. OK not a problem but just how far out should I be using for an object to adjust to. I tried a road sign about a good city block away and the rangefinder looked pretty good but the 10-15 ft range is still off by 2-3 ft. Should I be using the MOON LOL or would a couple of blocks make a difference. I am VERY mechanically inclined having spent 14 years as a custom knifemaker even making Titanium frame coil spring operated switchblade knives by hand. But I really don't want to screw this camera up. Any experianced advise will be appreciated.

Mark W.

The IIIf rangefinder is sensitive and accurate. For "infinity", you should try to focus on something at least a mile or two away. Alternatively, try the moon!

I know the ring you mean and it was stiff on my camera too. I think it's important to apply pressure ONLY in the direction tangential to the ring, i.e. in the direction you're trying to turn it. I guess any pressure applied inwards might cause the ring to be too stiff to turn.
Ray funny you must be clarvoiant or something not an hour ago I went out side as I had noticed a beautiful clear moon tonight and decided to try to adjust the rangefinder on the IIIf again. I found it to be almost spot on at a true infinity. Well in the horizontal anyway. In vertical it is off a little less then 1/10th of the moons height. I even tried making a tool to turn the vertical adjustment ring and still no success so it can stay that way until after I get my IIIg tuned up and it's the IIIf turn. I'll let someone with spare parts in hand go mucking about rather then trying to double the cost of an adjustment by screwing it up. The closer focusing distances are within about 4" at eight feet so that will be just fine for now I do very little low light stuff so I'm around f4 or smaller all the time and the depth of field will take care of it for now. I'm just trying to get it close enough to be able to get some technically good shots. It is afterall a hobby camera for me something to enjoy not for paid work not yet anyway. I have a pickup truck load of Canon FD equipment for the serious stuff.

Mark W.
Mark W., After reading your last post, I went outside and checked my infinity setting on the Moon. My IIIf rangefinder seems to be OK, but I still need to check the true focus of the lens {5cm Elmar}. Also, I have an 8.5cm Culminar {2.8} that seems to be slightly off on the focusing, need to do some checking, thanks for blaizing the way.

Favorite LTM cameras:

III 1934 (my first so it's no.1)
IIf RD (cheaper than buying a IIIf RD)
IIIG (a Ig converted into a IIIg but without a self-timer)

And add a 35/3.5 Summaron w/hood. Load film, have fun!
I got a 111F rd on Ebay...but was disappointed when it arrived as the seller had totally mislead me as to mechanical condition...had to bite the bullet, as they say. Through alot of research I found a great repair man with John at Focal Point who COMPLETLY rebuilt the camera from shutter speeds to curtains to rangefinder. As the exterior is in mint condition, I wanted the inside mint too. What a great camera! I think that someone else put it best, "photography with a jewel work camera". I have several other Leicas (M's and R's) but still love to take a walk with the 111F..I even like the soft effect that my Summitar F2 give me (which John rebuilt too) as much as some other lenses...thanks!
Does Brian Skibby or anyone else with a Metrophot know what the three pointers are for? I thingk I do but need reinforcement. One isa black triangle, one is clear triangle, and the last is a triangle within a triangle. Please advise.
John Robertson
PS I have used M2 and M3 and CL and now have gone back to IIIF RD for fun. Still use Nikons for work.
I presume that the reason I get different settings on the Metrophot from current meters is that the scale is different. To match current 400 film I have to set the Metrophot to about 500. Is that uncommon? Any help appreciated.
With all the discussion about various views available on the M series, anyone care to comment about the advantages of the IIIF's magnifier as a focusing aid? Johne