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Utah County

Yes, well, that's my view at 300mm.

Here's the 18mm view (SD14 18-50mm EX). Still, it is great to be able to watch the weather and light constantly change as they move across Mt. Timpanogas.


  • window.jpg
    265.9 KB · Views: 9
Lucky! Lol.
I've got a friend in Reno and her view out the backyard is mountains.
You should move the plants out of the way, the buildings set against the mountain and sky would make it an even more striking picture.
That's a pretty sharp and bright lens!
It's certainly true that the picture would look better without the plants. But when I'm sitting in my office, I prefer to hide the buildings with the plants.


The sky, the clouds, the flat lines of the rooftops holding the pattern of the bldg on the left contrast the bold white lines on the right, with silhouted plants in the foreground. That's tough stuff!! :z02_respekt:

BTW, I look forward to viewing all the white caps that you will post! :)

good luck with your pictures,
