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What will this be called

Well, this is appropriate. The first post to a new thread from a first time poster.

What do you think this new Sony SLR will be called? I hope it has Minolta in there somewhere. Maybe MAXXUM or DYNAX. I have the sneaking suspicion Sony will just use....Sony, and their model number. To bad they won't see the advantage, prestige, and legacy of using the Minolta name.
> My biggest concern is whether we're going to have to use the Sony > memory sticks rather than the SD cards already used in the current > 7D's
>This is true...they should give some part of the name like, maxx, dynx, >monlD. any idae when they are going to put first DSLR in the market.
You mean...compact flash, don't you?

If it has, both, compact flash AND memory stick, it would only be to our advantage to have more options. I agree that only memory stick would be a big mistake.

But..what will they call it?
The first Sony DSLR is to be released this summer. They are gearing up now, changing logos on existing products, and getting the camera ready.

Methinks they will release rebadged 7D and 5D as we know them, but with 10+ Mp CCDs and updated firmware. That's just my guess.
>I love to see 10 MP with minolta mount.....I am justing for that. I hope >that sony will not disappoint the Minolta customers.
In terms of the name for the new Sony SLR-line, there has been rumours about two cameras this summer - one standard and one high-end SLR (the latter maybe even with new Zeiss glass).

If these rumours are correct, I would suspect Sony to choose a Contax-related name for their upper-end or 'Lexus'-model. The name will be something in the region of 'RTS'.

In the P&S-business, Sony already nicked the T-name from Contax to go with their high-profiled design models like T-3, T-33, Y-5, T-9 and so on.

My guess is that at least for the first issue of cameras, Sony will stick close to the farm so as not to alienate dedicated Minolta users. I'd be surprised if they used memory other than CompactFlash memory since they must know that we have investments in memory already. Also it would make other people less likely to convert to their brand if the memory is proprietary.

I will be eagerly anticipating their new camera. Hopefully, they will upgrade the autofocus capabilities. I have been generally disappointed with this function on the 7D. It gets fooled too often.
Whilst a higher capacity chip would be good I am more interested in = getting better image quality from them, less fringing on wide angles = AND, most important, a wide angle shift lens equivalent to maybe a 21mm = on 35mm. Without a wide selection of lenses the Digital SLRs from any maker are = doomed to limited appeal
Sony lost the Mp3 market because of their proprietary ATRAC format. I think they learned a big lesson from this. Many Sony heads fell in the basket.

I think they won't want to make that mistake again. I know if they don't respect the Minolta community's wishes, I'm 'outta here. How about you?