DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
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What's With The Old Threads?


Active Member
This forum has been around for a couple of months so why is it flooded with irrelevant, old threads gleaned from somewhere else. For example, here in the Leica M, R....section, there is a thread entitled, "Leica Resurrects the CL". Not only is the thread over 6 years old - on a 2-month old forum, but that camera (a great one) is discontinued - a year before this forum existed. There are numerous old, expired, irrelevant threads that are clogging up, what should be, a new, fresh forum. Most in this sub-section don't belong in the M, R or Q category and most others are pointless. If everyone wants this forum to succeed, it would be nice to see new, relevant postings - not ghosts from the beyond. YMMV.
This is old content which we imported from CI into DPRF. Please read the announcements.

If you find a thread not interesting for you, just ignore it and open a new thread about something else ;)
I find the entire Leica postings not interesting and pointless. Additionally, I find your dismissive attitude rude and also unacceptable. We are supposed to be making suggestions for this new forum aren't we? If you find my posting not interesting .............. ignore it and move on.

Sorry if you found my posting rude. It was not meant that way. I just hinted to the explanation within the announcements why that old posting was here. You asked in this thread and I answered to your question. ;)
However, if the forum is going to treat the Leica section as a dumping ground for old, out of date, not applicable information, it won't be worth ignoring. It needs to be cleaned up. There is plenty of current information that could be borrowed from elsewhere, if we're going to be dumping information that wasn't created here.
"yes" for new content, but "no" for deleting old threads.

At dpreview there is also 25 years old content and everybody loves it and cried that DPreview will be deleted ;)

No matter how old something is, it might be for someone who is searching in the future for old information about old gear still be relevant and he will be happy to find it.

Example: I was running the biggest Contax forum worldwide for years, until Kyocera decided to quit the photo business. All the contnet of this old Contax forum is still available and you will find it now with DPRF.

I am proud that none of my forums was deleted until today. I always try to preserve the knowledge on the internet. Especially for brands like Leica, there are many collectors who are excited to find still information on the internet about very old gear.

I run also forums in other branches, for example wet shaving with DE razors and straight razors. This is really a niche and there are not many people who still shave that way. But I help to preserve the knowledge about it, so newcomers get trained by more experienced users how to shave with a straight razor, how to sharpen the razor etc.
the camera forums are kind of starving. If you haven't caught on to that, well, get out of bed and do some reading. It's a tragedy that DPR had a 6.5 earthquake. There was some opportunism and some real and opportunistic help. DPR survived. Business goes on as usual. But the Gold Rush is over.
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the camera forums are kind of starving. If you haven't caught on to that, well, get out of bed and do some reading. It's a tragedy that DPR had a 6.5 earthquake. There was some opportunism and some real and opportunistic help. DPR survived. Business goes on as usual. But the Gold Rush is over.

I have to disagree. The activity in all forums worldwide decreased. This is true in every area, not only photography and not only specific brands.

But people understand more and more, that only forums are able to accumulate knowledge in the long run to help each other. Places like reddit, facebook, Twitter etc. come and go. Forums will stay forever.