Well-Known Member
It is fun taking out some of the older gear as many people have never experienced it and get very curious. I still use one of my Contax RTS Fundus' regularly and it's been left attached to a 250 Back from 1980 (I'm lazy and prefer not to have to keep changing film rolls); I was last using it with the old Zeiss 35mm PC-shift lens and the numbers of people who came and stopped me was amazing. You're never going to be alone for long with an old Contax! The two other bits of kit I know always attract attention are my Zeiss 500 f4.5 and Fuji G617. The funniest moment was when I left the Fuji to go back to my motorbike to get a lightmeter and a small bird perched on the lens cage; by the time I found my digital camera it had flown away... Not the usual photographic fan but at least it didn't leave anything behind when it flew off... I'm not sure how the lens cleaning fluid would have handled that!Last week I spent four days in Paris with two RTS II bodies and 5 lenses. Early Wednesday evening on Boulevard de Strasbourg a guy (maybe he was 22 or 25 years old) approached me about my Contax cameras - he did know the T2 but had never seen the RTS II, so he marveled at them. He even took a photo of my two workhorses. Nice encounter .