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A green world

You lucky bugger to live in such a beautiful place...can you say green with envy?
Sadly enough I don't live in Val d'Orcia. I have to fly 1400km to Rome and then drive several hours to get there.
I live in Flanders...very densely populated, traffic jams and industry everywhere (but the best beer in the world :D )
What is your fav tipple? I love Belgium beer- hate the trains... too many suicides on the tracks.
We have about 1400 different of them in our tiny, liliput country. The difference with many other countries is we're not into pils beer. Of course we have them but people here prefer special, stronger beers going up to 12% of alcohol.
Most of the time I drink tripple...this is blond beer that has been brewn three times and it has about 8,5% of alcohol. I like a lot Omer..brewn two times in a barrel and the third time in the bottle so it's really alive and sparkling. It's the method of making champagne .
We have about 1400 different of them in our tiny, liliput country. The difference with many other countries is we're not into pils beer. Of course we have them but people here prefer special, stronger beers going up to 12% of alcohol.
Most of the time I drink tripple...this is blond beer that has been brewn three times and it has about 8,5% of alcohol. I like a lot Omer..brewn two times in a barrel and the third time in the bottle so it's really alive and sparkling. It's the method of making champagne .

Holy cow, we really have to have a user meeting nearby. But this choice is bad for photography. The good thing is, almost all cameras have antishake nowadays... :z04-975: