What I see is no differences worth mentioning.
Sigma sd15 is obviously a sd14 with bigger screen an extra button, and SD card.
The only thing which might be useful is better software which from the RAW files seems to me present here.
Having in mind this, Sigma could spare themselves the effort to produce SD15. Instead they could make just a simple firmware update for SD14.
The camera is still bulky and uncomfortable to use. Probably still as slow as SD14.
We all can live with this because they make so good images.
The real problem in SD14, which is present in SD15 still, is the 4 MP resolution which is getting stupid already. A 4 MP camera use is very limited if you are to do real job with it.
So if there was something which really needed change in the new model this was the resolution/sensor size.
I am definitely not buying Sigma SD15. I have learned to use well SD14 and the "new" one can't give me more and worst of all can't help me when I need bigger prints since it is still lousy 4 MP.
The FOVEON is very nice sensor. Maybe Sigma should sell it to someone who can actually make real cameras?
What I see is no differences worth mentioning.
Sigma sd15 is obviously a sd14 with bigger screen an extra button, and SD card.
The only thing which might be useful is better software which from the RAW files seems to me present here.
Having in mind this, Sigma could spare themselves the effort to produce SD15. Instead they could make just a simple firmware update for SD14.
The camera is still bulky and uncomfortable to use. Probably still as slow as SD14.
We all can live with this because they make so good images.
The real problem in SD14, which is present in SD15 still, is the 4 MP resolution which is getting stupid already. A 4 MP camera use is very limited if you are to do real job with it.
So if there was something which really needed change in the new model this was the resolution/sensor size.
I am definitely not buying Sigma SD15. I have learned to use well SD14 and the "new" one can't give me more and worst of all can't help me when I need bigger prints since it is still lousy 4 MP.
The FOVEON is very nice sensor. Maybe Sigma should sell it to someone who can actually make real cameras?