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Contax N1

> Last year I trecked for 2 weeks in Nepal and carried my N1 with the 24-85, my backpack and no porter. The pictures are good if probably not Leica M quality. The burden is considerable but having only one lense to deal with was very good, the film is easy to change and all the automatic features garantee virtually no bad pictures even though i had very little time in the tight schedule of the treck to stop to shoot. I carried a small dedicated flash with it and shot AGFA profesional 400 ASA. I will take it again on my nest treck. Need extra batteries. Ricardo Gonzalez >
> Hi everyone,

I have an NX with the 28-80 zoom as well as an N1 with the 1.4 50mm. The NX is a well balanced body/lens kit and the quality is far better than my Nikon 8008/ 35-70 zoom kit (ebay here it comes) The N1 with the 28-70 zoom is even better balanced and feels the same as the N1 with the 50mm. The NX kit was to replace my venerable Nikon FE /50mm kit but I have special feelings for this my first love... no ebay for her just a quite retirement!

Although the N1 is large it is solid, it handles well and feels good with the 50mm. I am planning to expand to include the 24-85 zoom and both the 70-200 and the 70-300 zoom for each Contax kit. When weight is an issue the NX kit goes. I like the operation of the N1 better...this is a personal thing...I have read both manuals several times and they are both easy to use. Lasly I have small to average hands... The N1 does not feel like a BIG camera... it feels just fine.

Good luck


I believe if you stick with 1 lens (the 24-85) N1 is still acceptable to carry all day long. I am not N1 owner, but I've tried once, and to me N1 is still lighter than my Nikon F4 + Nikkor 28-85 + SB25 flash, which I always use for travel photography.

I just got back from a week long trip to New Orleans with my N1, which included a couple of days in the sw&s. The N1 is a big heavy camera, but after an hour or so you forget about it. I find that the images of my N1 are superior to the pictures I get from my G2. I used the 24-85 lens in New Orleans...got some great alligator shots.
Jeff in Colorado (oops..texas)

I am astonished to hear that you consider the images from the 24-85 superior to those from the G2, as all of the G lenses that I own are stunning. Do you miss the speed? How good is the 50/1.4 lens, BTW?

It could be due to my lousy skills. I have the G2 with the 28mm and the 45. I have the N1 with the 24-85 and the 70-300. While I have no complaints AT ALL about my G2, the N1 "seems" to have a little more punch or sharpness in the pictures. Neither is bad, maybe I'm just more comfortable with a SLR. I recently purchased a Leica M6TTL and have had good sharp pictures with it as well..
Jeff in Colorado
> Hi Rob,

I have the N1 and both zooms (24-85 and 70-300). It is a superb kit that satisfies in every way, with superlative, only-to-be-expected quality from the Zeiss glass. I have enjoyed using this equipment enormously - but only with the assistance of my 4x4 Suzuki to help me carry it. Therein lies the rub.

Sadly, and with great reluctance, I am selling my entire N1 kit as I find it just too bulky and heavy to carry as a normal go-everywhere camera. I was a pro for 30 years, and was able to carry three bodies and all the lenses and flash etc, but I am now two months short of my 69th birthday, and the N1 is too much to carry in the summer heat of southern Spain where I live. I have two G2s and all the lenses, which give similar superb results, and I use them for what travel I now do. To replace the N1 I have bought a Nikon FM3a, with a Nikkor 24-85 plus an old AI 80-200 zoom. This kit is smaller and lighter and gives me similar results for those shots that demand an SLR approach rather than RF. I can carry this lot around in the hills with no problems.

My conclusion was that the N1 itself was a great camera, and I shall miss its precision and ease of use. But, reluctantly, I cannot afford to keep something around that I cannot use much of the time. I hope this helps.

Saludos, Robin

I had the same concerns as you. I previously owned a Nikon system including an 2.8/80-200. great lens but I never took it with me because it is too heavy to carry around. I switched to the N1 with the 24-85 for every day things, and deliberately combined that with the 70-200 instead of the 70-300, because the latter is way too heavy and expensive. Besides, the 70-200 -I think I read the MTF's somewhere, or some sort of test - is optically better. Together then, I have the N1+24-85+70-200+TLA360. This precisely fits in a Nova 3 bag. I dragged this across Spain and Italy - iy is quite a package, but doable for me. In reality though, any SLR with comparable lens options such as Canon and Nikon will not cost and weigh more. For ex&le, the Canon 24-70 L is almosst 1 kg. That is crazy to carry aound your neck. It is also about $1350, the Contax 24-85 can be had for about $850.

I do not really miss the F2.8 all that much, or put otherwise, I'd rather give up some speed (the 24-85 is F3.5 at the wide angle end, so not all that much slower)than having to switch lenses all the time and miss good shots. To me it is a no-brainer. And the quality of the zooom is truly outstanding, with the best distortion control of all 24-xx zooms (see the latest PopPhoto, for instance, with regrads to the canon 24-70).

It is a bit of a drag to carry the whole package, but you got everything you need (well, I need) with just 2 lenses and a powerful flash.

Hope that helps.
Thanks to all for your responses. I have some more questions about the N1 system.

I have heard that early s&les of the 24-85 lens were of inferior quality. Is there any truth to this rumor? If so, then it might not be wise for me to buy a used lens.

Does the 24-85 focus internally?

Does the TLA 140 function as a TTL flash on the N1? If so, it would make a great travel flash.

As you can see, I am very fond of travelling light. If I go for the N1, it will be with the 24-80/3.5-4.5 and 50/1.4 lenses.

Rob, Zeiss delayed the first shipments of the 24-85 T* for the Contax N1 because the coatings were not up to their standards of manufacture. This may be the source of the rumor you are refering to. To my knowledge, none of those ever made it to dealer's shelves.

I use a black TLA 200 designed for the G2 as my walk around travel flash. I use it mostly for fill in deep shade and inside museums and churches when traveling.

The 24-85 is internal focusing, the barrel does not move in and out, nor does it rotate...so a polarizer can be used. The zoom however is not internal, which helps keep the lens compact when set to the 24mm side.