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Digilux 2

I'm sorry Andy but your assertion "rarely be fast responding enough" flies in the face of physics. At what speed does electricity travel? Speed of light? Moreover, since the EVF shows exactly what the sensor will "see" on shutter release, it's even better than a decoupled "optical" viewfinder, which won't.
EFVs unfortunately look "flat". The resolution of an electronic viewfinder is unfortunately limited. Compared to an M finder, there is no comparison.

Also, they do not update continually. There is a frame rate involved, just as a TV has a refresh. Hopefully that won't be notable.

Thanks for the help everyone. I really don't know what to think. I shall have to wait until I can handle the D2 and try it. Initially, the idea of an EVF does not appeal but maybe with use and practice, it would become OK. I did have a demonstration of the Sony F828 and in the short time I had in the shop, I found that the EVF was not easy to cope with. The colours and general usage did not seem natural and it was compicated. Faces and expressions seemed difficult to see and I wonder about being able to get the pictures I want - a bit hit and miss like using the LCD screen on a P&S digital. Seeing the excellent pictures from the D2 shown in the Forum and links however makes me think that it must be possible to get used to it.
Agreed John.
I don't know if this EVF will be the key of success or failure of the Digilux 2 of course but it will be the main reason of my buying it or not for sure.

> Yes, the EFV makes the Digilux 2 completely unappealing to me. Which is good, because I cannot bear the thought of spending $2,000+ on a point-and-shoot digital camera anyway, no matter how cosmetically attractive! I'm more inclined toward the Oly E1 at that price, or even one of the DSLR hybrids like the Canon D10 or the Fuji S2. Though an SLR has its drawbacks (particularly the 35mm-hybrid types) they really do allow accurate manual focusing, and I like that.

Cheers! - marc
Don't forget the price of the lenses in your calculation.
With similar lenses than D2's those SLR cameras will cost you far more.

Yes in practice, I usually need to magnify the picture to see if my wife has blinked her eyes when taking those "I have been here" type of travel picture using my Nikon Coolpix 5000, as I definitely cannot see it in the LCD while it was taken. I don't think the D2's EVF is going to be any better than that in terms of refresh rate or resolution.
I wonder why it is not possible to make a compact type digital camera, rangefinder or otherwise with a proper optical viewfinder rather than an electronic one. You would think that leica would be able to do do.