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Digilux 2

Will be for the Digital M i guess.

Lets wait en give the EVF a chance. The optical VF from the digilux 1 was far from acurate.Then i prefer a EVF with 100% coverage and all info IF ..... the EVF 's resolution is good eneugh. According specification he is better than Nikon coolpix 5000.We will have to wait!!
Some more fair words, just checked the spec. of my Coolpix 5000, the LCD screen has only 110K pixels (!). So the Leica D2 has essential double what I have.
<<I wonder why it is not possible to make a compact type digital camera, rangefinder or otherwise with a proper optical viewfinder rather than an electronic one. You would think that leica would be able to do do.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the obvious reason for using an electronic veiwfinder on this kind of camera - the fact that the camera has a zoom lens. An optical/mechanical viewfinder that could synchronize with a zoom lens in the sort of accurate way that everyone seems to be dreaming of would be extremely complicated (and of course very expensive).

Furthermore, if the technical guys get the EVF right then this will open for more possibilities in the future. For ex&le, releasing a model with a greater zoom range would be relatively simple with an EVF...

I too have a psychological problem with putting my creativity in the hands of technicians and batteries but let's face it, (electronic) technology is what digital photography is all about, so sooner or later we're all going to have to close our eyes, hold our noses and take the plunge... Of course we all want to keep as much control as possible but not for control's own sake, that's just conservatism.

We have to keep an open mind. It won't be a question of not being able to do what we want: more a question of having to go about it in a different way. As with computers, sooner or later we will reach a point where we can trust the technicians and forget about the technological details. Then we can relax and concentrate on creating instead.

I don't know Carl.
What you say now have been said 40 years ago already when the SLR cameras came into the market, but rangefinder users did not like that and some of them still don't like those big black things actually.
For them (us) there is nothing better than an optical viewfinder and what they (we) ask is such an 'OVF' in the Digital M for sure.

Contax G1 and G2 have had a zooming optical finder since the 90s. The coverage isn't near full frame, but they are accurate and compensated for parallax.

The G2 also has a zoom lens option. The zoom isn't 200 mm (35 to 75 I think), but the optical finder will work with it and the 28-90mm range lenses. A separate finder is supplied with the 21 and 16mm lenses. The only reason I can think of not to adapt a properly accurate zooming optical finder is cost - but since the new Digilux II costs as much as it does it could have been incorporated. A more relevant question is why the M viewfinder still doesn't have any compensation for eyeglass wearers built in. By the way - the finder in the Contax also includes exposure info.

"I'm surprised no one has mentioned the obvious reason for using an electronic viewfinder on this kind of camera - the fact that the camera has a zoom lens. An optical/mechanical viewfinder that could synchronize with a zoom lens in the sort of accurate way that everyone seems to be dreaming of would be extremely complicated (and of course very expensive)."
The D2's zoom is too big for an OVF i guess but the Digital M will have interchangeable lenses as clear as i understand so it could fit an OVF i hope.
