It is no use having honest feedback let alone troll type feedback. There are photos in my DPR galllery that i like for example and will be looking to replicate those types of photos but better. Nobody else likes them. I have a photo with 600 views which is great for me but some of my other photos are nearly as valuable to me in terms of ideas and poetry. I see competitions very often and the wrong photo wins. I entered a superb shot showing fantastic bokeh in a DPR challenge because actually it is stopped dowm a bit but all the winning shots were like shot wide open with a ton of bokeh. Bokeh is subjective so they are right you can say. I find it funny TBH. A 600mm F4 won i think. There is no bokeh in that shot. It is simply thrown completely out of focus. Bokeh is much higher quality in portraits than that. The winner was a wildlife lens. I CAME LAST WITH SUPERB BOKEH. Now you might agree with my shot coming last. Therefore your opinion is quite irrelevant to the journey i am on to try and improve and surprise. I do not agree with people critique my photos because even Take A View Experts pick the wrong photo to win. Hopefully the photographers that should have won do not change their direction in order to win next year because it means ART loses.Do people posting images here want honest feedback? Or is this more for "social sharing?"
I used to spend a lot of time posting at, where the expectation was that people would post their best work and expect honest critiques from other photographers. It was an excellent way for people to gauge the quality of their own work, hear honest criticism and advice, and incorporate that into their future work. I spent many years at NPN but have moved on after it changed owners and took a different form.
I know it can be hard for any of us to take criticism, and some people posting at NPN actually only wanted positive feedback. I also know how hard it can be to give honest feedback in a sensitive manner.
So, before I go down the wrong track here I'd like to hear what others think of this. Do you want such feedback? Do you think it helps or hurts to get such feedback? Do we need a way to indicate our preferences when we post an image? Should the be a separate forum just for image critiques?
Attached photo I took just the other day. I luv it. Whether you or anyone else feels the same way is irrelevant to me because I do not trust other people to even say what is true anyway. I knwo it can be improved. Many people will say the wall is not straight . . I say the clouds and fence means it still works.
Regards Dino26323
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