DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

DPR will live

I wonder if it was all a publicity stunt to get the highest bid?

I do not think so. We have no evidence yet that DPR will ve sold. Even if DPR will be sold, that does not mean that their forum will stay open.

I understand that people hype this last message, but I do not see more information than we had 3 weeks ago.

I also wonder dirk, if DPR does somehow stay open, will DPRForum change names or remain as it is?

Yes, DPRforum stays open, also with this name and we will continue for sure. We put already too much work here and people start to appreciate how this forum software works and how it is managed. :daumenhoch:

The feedback in the survey was extremely positive for DPRF by the way. :z04-herz:

It motivates us to continue, no matter what happens with DPReview. :z04-smilieparty:

But again, I would advise to manage the expectations here with the hope for DPreview.
I wonder if it was all a publicity stunt to get the highest bid?

I also wonder dirk, if DPR does somehow stay open, will DPRForum change names or remain as it is?
DPRF is merging with Camera Info. If DPR does manage to stay up, in the long run, maybe it would be Camera Info not DPRF that we should be seeing.
DPRF is merging with Camera Info

The merger is already finished. See the announcement.

The name DPRforum will stay for sure.

CI will get a permanent redirect to DPRF in a couple of days for the search engines.
DPRF is merging with Camera Info. If DPR does manage to stay up, in the long run, maybe it would be Camera Info not DPRF that we should be seeing.
Are the other fora very active? DPRF covers all brands and genres, so maybe consider merging the other fora into this one to concentrate all the activity in one place.
Are the other fora very active? DPRF covers all brands and genres, so maybe consider merging the other fora into this one to concentrate all the activity in one place.

All done already :daumenhoch-smilie:
There is a place for forums that are dedicated to a brand, format, and mount. The worst troll-like posts are often made by one member coming over to another brand-specific sub-forum on a site and "dropping a bomb". Best for that type of person to remain on a dedicated website.
I received an email reply from Booted Cat.

"An interesting chart showing production numbers of different camera types (including the smartphone) from 1933 to 2016, implying why DPReview is dying:"
I received an email reply from Booted Cat.

"An interesting chart showing production numbers of different camera types (including the smartphone) from 1933 to 2016, implying why DPReview is dying:"

This is from 2016. A lot changed until today. Good and bad. See the articles from Thom Hogan.