Thanks for visiting, Marc. Hope you liked at least some of the pictures. I'll be putting up more translated pages later on - if I find the site is worth keeping up.
I happen to own one SP (and an RC aswell). I love both camera's; but I hardly touch them. The reason: I don't feel a need to print my pictures any longer. I'm convinced the D1 is capable of producing great (better than aps and comparable to most 35mm shots) print at least up to A4, and maybe even beyond. But I don't see the need; I prefer my computerscreen. Okay, slides is even better - but that's way too much work and far too bulky to store.
Maybe that's where the whole digital v. paper/slides discussion breaks down. It's not the picture quality that determines the succes of a medium, it's whether people use the medium or not that determines it succes.
If the audio market is anything to go by (and it is), one can make some predictions:
1. digital equipement will get a lot better very quickly,
2. in a couple of years time very high resolution equipment will have become ridicoulously cheap,
3. the industry will try to kill of paper and slides and promote digital and digitalization of existing paper and slide material,
4. paper and slides will all but dissapear very, very quickly indeed (allowing for regional differences dependent on economical differences, of course),
5. users will not allow a total killing of - for reasons of 'quality' (which can mean a lot of different things for different people),
5. analog eventually will make a come back.
(So hang on to your SP's!)
(ad 1 en 2: Can't wait for the D4! Looks just about the same as the (gorgeous) D1, but comes with 32 megapixel, a 1,7 or 1,8 lens, unfaillible auto focus, utterly scratch proof and non-glare lcd-screen, ánd has genuine metal control buttons instead of those flimsy, plasticy ones that lose their paint quicker than a cheap toy. And look at that price! Yummy!)