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First impressions Digilux 1

I'm no expert, but I have a Panasonic Dmc lc5 and I'm very happy with it. Some s&les.

this is taken at 100 asa with flash.


this is 100 asa with a opening time of about 1/20

for you to judge.
Looking for information about external flash use for Digilux1. Any recommandation on this issue, any other devices than Leica flash recommandable?? Appreciating your comments
Nice shots Michael, but I still like the Digilux 1. I think it's the user as much as the camera, if not more so.
has anyone sent away for and received their rebate - extra battery and extra 64 meg SD card - yet? I sent mine to Leica a few weeks ago now and haven't received anything but my Leica mousepad for registering...
I bought my Digilux 1 about two weeks ago for a nice price. Tomorrow i expect my first prints by a photoshop so i'm curieus (excuse my language) about the quality. Showing the pictures on pc or television i'm satisfied. Next time more about my experiences.

Rien Steenwijk (Holland)
I just got one.
But it didn't come with coupon for free extra battery and extra SD card.
DO I need a coupon for receiving this special offer?
Tell me anybody who bought Digilux 1 recently..

Berkeley, CA

Ryan Kim
Are you sure it is a Leica USA import? There should be a mylar sticker on the box saying "officially distributed biy Leica Camera Inc." and another sticker saying "free extra 64MB SD Card plus extra Digilux 1 battery Mail in coupon inside $179 Value." The card is with the resigtration forms. Otherwise call Leica USA 800-222-0118.
Happy Snaps,
> [...Dear Mr. Ryan KIM. I have not heard about the special offer/attention of Leica to give a free battery and a free SD card. If there is a possibility to have them anyway, I'm very interested of course. An other question is: I want to buy the leather cameracase for the Digilux and I need a new strap for the Digilux. This strap is damages by a candlelight. Is there anybody who can help me?

Greatings Rien Steenwijk (Holland...]
I called Leica USA and they faxed a form within 1/2 an hour.

As of last friday, they still don't have batteries and cards to fulfill the rebates.